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  1. The Smokey One

    The Smokey One - Amateur Indoor Growing

    Thanks. My s/n IS Smokey One lol :lol: My old man is 72 and been smoking since the 60s between us two we go through enough that I don't ever wanna pay hah Can anyone tell me are the photos in my first post not showing or is it just me? They are on RIU and worked to start figured its just my browser
  2. The Smokey One

    The Smokey One - Amateur Indoor Growing

    I'm doing horrible on updates I know but this should kinda make up for it. I have a decent amount of photos this time around and a second project to discuss. I guess I am going for quality over quantity A quick update on my first project, the clones are now in cups and vegging steadily while...
  3. The Smokey One

    The Smokey One - Amateur Indoor Growing

    Howdy, New member here and I wanted to start my first journal on RIU. I currently have several things splitting my attention now adays and I'll post them all here. To start this is my amateur grow for personal use. To start I have some cuttings that are a week old showing roots. Also I'll be...
  4. The Smokey One

    Greetings from the Great Lakes

    Figured my first few post should be here. I'm in the Great Lakes region and wanted to get active on this website to provide myself the most opportunities to learn. Currently doing some small amateur growing for personal use. I'm a avid outdoorsman and I live in a large wilderness area so I spend...
  5. The Smokey One

    Hello from north Africa

    Greetings fellow new member I just join recently as well. If your residing in Libya currently I hope things are getting better for everyone there. A good friend in college was from Khums (spelling?) Libya. Sadly I haven't spoken with him in about 5 years.. Sending good vibes your way
  6. The Smokey One

    Club 600

    Nice tomatoes.. oh and Ganja plants too:-P