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  1. J

    Edges are yellowing

    So ive been having alot of problems attempting my first indoor grow. After about 2 weeks the lowest leaves start turning yellow at the edges and slowly progresses to the whole leaf and then brown spots occur. Im growing in mg seed starter 3-3-3 i dont think its nute burn but i am new to the...
  2. J

    Whats wrong with my plant??

    I ended up killing it i have another one started its a little over a week old its lookin pretty good except the lower leaves are very briddle and almost crumble to the touch... Does thos mean its too hot???
  3. J

    Whats wrong with my plant??

    Thanks everyone, so should i just kill this plant? cause its lookin pitiful right now :(
  4. J

    Whats wrong with my plant??

    Also some of the leaves have the end going upwards while others are drooping at the end
  5. J

    Whats wrong with my plant??

    I started it in mg seed starter and then transplanted mg moisture control the discoloration on the lowest leaf started while in the seed starter so i doubt its nute burn but idk some help pease
  6. J

    Peat moss??

    Im thinking about taking the peat moss back and getting some miracle gro moisture control. Any thoughts?
  7. J

    Peat moss??

    I dont need to be lectured i need help with using peat moss and some insight on whats going wrong with my plant would be nice
  8. J

    Peat moss??

    I will be doing most of my growing outside about half a mile from my house so im not really worried bout that and its not my families property but its where i know they wont be disturbed by anyone
  9. J

    Peat moss??

    I still live with my parents havnt graduated high school yet so i have to keep it on the down low and amazon is out cause my parents would open it before i would get to it
  10. J

    Peat moss??

    I would love to have something besides miracle gro as my fert but it is all they carry at my local lowes and thanks i will pick up some dolomite lime and a ph tester also could anybody help with out with this plant, the color of the leaves were a bit yellowish/brown so i wattered them with...
  11. J

    Peat moss??

    So i just bought 3 cubic feet of peat moss and some perlite i plan to mix 1/2 peat moss 1/4 perlite and sand. I have miracle gro all purpose plant food for nutes for veg amd switch to mg bloom for flower. Will this work??
  12. J

    Built small grow box.. What soil should i use?

    I was hoping someone would post about something i could get from lowes/walmart because the closest store with fox farms is like 70 miles from my house. Ill be sure to pick up a bag of that kelloggs stuff thanks for the suggestion
  13. J

    Built small grow box.. What soil should i use?

    They are starting to recover but some of the newer growth on one of the plants is sort of purple. Are they supposed to show colors this soon? They are only 2 and half weeks old.
  14. J

    Built small grow box.. What soil should i use?

    Yeah thats probly it, i moved the lights up a couple inches hopefuly that will help
  15. J

    Built small grow box.. What soil should i use?

    One my plants has one of its leaves all curled up? Why is this happening?
  16. J

    Built small grow box.. What soil should i use?

    I made it from a plastic tote put a couple computer fans in their and covered the inside with aluminum foil.... And thanks guys ill be sure to check out that foxfarms stuff
  17. J

    Built small grow box.. What soil should i use?

    I have 6 23 watt 6500k cfl in my little box with 2 bag seed seedlings under them i used miracle grow seed starter to get them started i know miracle grow is a "no no" but its what i had... this is only my second year growing so i could use some help with soil, nutrients, and any suggestions to...