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  1. S

    advanced nurtients and general hydroponics

    i will be starting a grow as soon as my seeds arrive in the mail. as of right now i will be using the lucas formula in my DWC buckets. I want to use advanced nutrients bud blood, big bud, and overdrive to help during flowering is it possible to mix the lucas formula with the advanced...
  2. S

    Dangers of shrooms?

    i bought a half eight of shrooms about 2 weeks ago, they have just been in a plastic bag (not sealed) since i got them.... they are not dark brown, black or moldy, but can I still eat them? How long do shrooms stay good for?
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    Speaker Grow Box (pics to come)

    heres some pics of my fist grow a couple years ago.. it was also inside a speaker
  4. S

    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    those plants look real nice....wish i could smoke some of it! i liek you cab. thats just for flowering tho...i wanted to make one a little bigger than that and divide it into 3 sections for mother/clones/flowering. there would be differnt lights in each section. also what kind of fan do you have...
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    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    ok well any sort of pictures would be great. is there any way to do a so g grow with one mother and 2 plants flowering and then your clones? if so how often would harvest be
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    Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow

    hey im was looking at that same size cabinet from home depot and i was looking to do the same thing you are or want to do. have a mother and clones on the bottom and flowering on the top so i can get a harvest every couple months. do you have any pics of your cabinet like that or just pics of...
  7. S

    male plants

    do male plants still have thc in them? i heard that they have none at all so if somebody could clear this newbie question up that would be grrrrreeeeaat :peace: