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  1. SkierDude

    First time LED grow

    We got some great snow in December and I got a few freshies. Unfortunatly I was working most days because of the holiday rush :( but it's still good and now that it's slow again I can get some good turns next time it snows!
  2. SkierDude

    First time LED grow

    Hey guys I posted a few months ago, the plants are flowering now and I had a few pics so I figured I'd post em up. Let me know what you think, this is the first time I've done this! I'm using an AdvancedLED DS100 and three CFLS
  3. SkierDude

    New guy, new room.

    Update! The plants are flowering and look good (to my untrained eye). Started flower on 11/25
  4. SkierDude

    Welcome New Members!

    New to growing. I live in CA. Here's my grow (the LED is lower now)
  5. SkierDude

    New guy, new room.

    I lowered the LED about 6". If I want to go lower I'll need to get some cable. The 10 plants in one tub idea was from a friend of mine who has been growing for awhile. The idea is to let it form more of a big weed bush with all the roots becoming interlocked. Will it work? I'll know soon...
  6. SkierDude

    New guy, new room.

    Turns out I'm an idiot. I sent advancedLED this photo and they informed me that the ones that look like they're not working are the IR diodes. IR is of course not visible to the human eye, so they look just like they should, and the green and white one are also supposed to be there. Derp
  7. SkierDude

    New guy, new room.

    It says in the instructions that the light should be 20-24" above the canopy. I don't have a measuring tape on me but it looks like about 24", I'll get a tape and double check and see about maybe lowering it down.
  8. SkierDude

    New guy, new room.

    Some more pics Here's the light, with the problem diodes circled :( And here's the room
  9. SkierDude

    New guy, new room.

    Hey guys. I'm new to this, and figured I'd share my setup. I just got my Advanced LED DS100 in the mail. Unfortunately it looks like 4 of the 50 diodes are not lighting up :-? so I'll probably have to send it back (hopefully their warranty is as good as it says) but I set it up to see how it...