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  1. G

    STRANGE QUESTION -- Music and Dark Cycles, YOU DECIDE!!

    maybe thats just a warning that the plants are about to get pissed on so people dont cry about getting wet. oh and music doesn't help plants grow the vibrations help build the Vascular tissue. thats all.
  2. G

    Short Grow...

    you can grow some good short/bushy plants under cfl's or even led's. you may have humidity problems with the dry summer heat being absorbed by your rooftop. ventilation would be a must! I'm not an expert grower by any means but, what I have learned thus far is to try it out and it may work out...
  3. G

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    thank you very much for this!! I found what was wrong within 5 minutes of reading your post. thank you for help saving my young ones!!
  4. G

    just started flowering my cherry crop

    I just thought I should share with you all that I just put my first 3 indoor plants into 12/12. moved my vegging plants into their own new temp housing 24/0. I'm stoked! I build a op with a shoe string budget and luckily alot of new construction is going on near my home so I can get liberated...
  5. G

    turkey bacon blt Im high as hell

    agreed but I had to eat what was available at the moment. my old lady does all the shopping and shes on a health kick right now. so turkey it is.
  6. G

    turkey bacon blt Im high as hell

    i got up around noon(ish) , its my day off. I went and rolled myself some sweet cheeba I've been saving for today and pretty much smoked myself into a coma per say. :-P I got this insane craving for some good eats.I willed myself into the kitchen some how and baked some turk bacon in the oven...
  7. G

    Mylar, tinfoil and flatpaint dilemma

    i don't think you should worry about your 2' florecent tubes they don't put off much heat and you can pretty much put them right on top of your plants. I personally think that for vegging, florescents are the way to go they stay way cool and are cheap to run.
  8. G

    Mylar, tinfoil and flatpaint dilemma

    Ok don't flame me if this has been covered before.(I did look) I had a question on paint, mylar and tinfoil. Mylar would seem ideal for reflection but wouldn't that cause hotpots in your growroom and burn your plants? flat white paint and the dull side of tinfoil would lack in reflection but...
  9. G

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi I'm Neil. First time indoor grower a few seasons outdoor. just thought I'd say hey and I hope to share and learn from you all