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  1. N

    Hermie or fat calyx?

    Thank you all for the wonderful and insightful responses. Duly noting all the info - this will definitely help for learning regardless of turning to seeds or not in the end ! Will share the end result for learning purposes.
  2. N

    Hermie or fat calyx?

    Oh so I should be more careful and really keep watch then I would assume. Would a test be plucking one of these off and opening to see if there are any ''former'' black seeds?
  3. N

    Hermie or fat calyx?

    Will keep monitoring just in case though. Thanks for the insights, really couldn't tell !
  4. N

    Hermie or fat calyx?

    REALLY? Reading that really made me happy just now :eyesmoke:
  5. N

    Hermie or fat calyx?

    Hey, considering this my first grow as I'm trying to understand what I'm doing. This is week 3.5 of flowering stage. Would this be a Hermie or Fat Calyx? - They might seem flat on pic, but they're a bit unperfect oval shaped - Nothing to be seen IN flower (hidden pollen banana form thingies)...
  6. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Update !! SO out of all the clones 5 survived - live and healthy, about a feet tall now :) For the main tent - I'm at week 3 of flowering now ; They're quite nice and healthy :) Stats : staying around 26-29C, 50% humidity, 12/12, 400w hps and 1250w led. *Note* I am a tiny bit worried for...
  7. N

    How do I know when veg begins?

    Once true leaves are out, I call it vegging (once a pair of wiggly leaves come out, after the first pair of smooth leaves).
  8. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Quick update, been 9 days - looking A LOT more successful than the previous try (all of them died). Status : 2 fully rooted, 3 pending, 1 dead. Fully rooted : looking real good and healthy - they seem ready to plant ! Pending : they still look healthy, but don't show obvious roots yet, might...
  9. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    **Update** Considering the 9 clones a failed first try and will restart with appropriate medium (root pods). I've done another 6 clones with previous method, but with new mediums this time around (sterile blade, scissors, board, hands, root gel, etc.). I've gently damped the pods and inserted...
  10. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Well F. I scooped 1, there was nothing, i recut an inch upper and replanted with root gel. So I tried another... nothing... Only 2 out of 5 I tested had the tiniest strands of root. Clearly I did something wrong. How long does it usually take for roots to sprout? .-. I'm so confused.
  11. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    So you think I should ditch the dome (this is what keeps humidity) ? No way to check roots, sadly :/
  12. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Many said to just completely ditch the HPS, which I did and so far, results are pretty nice, I have a lot more control on temperature of tent. However, might take it out during bloom as I heard LED is better for veg than bloom. HPS creating lots of heat too, so might be better at that time to...
  13. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    No fan at all for this small dome as it's only for the clones. Should I have one? Unaware of this :o Just about the same process, but I put directly in coco as I saw worked fine in many videos and threads. Never heard rapid rooters, but I've googled it, and yeah that make sense too ! Hopefuly...
  14. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Wow that's crazy good looking EDIT: Why is there ICE in the pot ?? :o
  15. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Pic of the (now) sad clones... Maybe too humid? Maybe too hot? I thought 24.5-26 was good and 70-95% humid was good, with not too much light. 18/6 rn
  16. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Update on current setting :D 2 of the 4 planted sadly damped, even if all treates equally with same mL water and such. I planted 2 extra ones to compensate. So I now have 2 that are 2 months in veg and 2 that are 3 weeks old. One of the youger one (CBD) is stretching a bit though! They seems...
  17. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Yeah might be a good idea - I don't know if the single 1200w led will be enough for 4 plants though? I've grown 2 perfectly nice big ones with the 400hps, I've heard good and bad from both types. That's really good to know. Did not check there - didn't think would be such the place for them.
  18. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Agreed. Any Coco people around who might want to give tip on this matter? - Nutes every watering in coco? - Frequency or watering in coco? Seedlings v.s bigger girls..? (w/ 25-30% perlite)
  19. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    You think for the nutes?? I was really anxious starting to give and kill. I'll go 1/2 dose for now to be safe, but atleast it'll give'em something :o
  20. N

    First setup w/ tent - what do you think? (pics)

    Yeah will try to find one similar that is somewhat budget. Maybe you'd have some recommendations? Doubt I'll get a bigger tent than the current, although who knows. Hehe