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  1. D

    Sexing at germination

    we should sell tickets to watch the online thread fight haha, all we need is a hot girl to hold up round signs and we are good lol :joint::hump:
  2. D

    Sexing at germination

    well i got way too many plants as it is but im gonna try it anyways haha 1 more cant hurt. but ill post lots of pics and updates, this is prolly the most interestin topic ever haha if this works its gonna change mj growing forever. KEEP THIS ALIVE HAHA
  3. D

    help please

    what is the absolute earliest i can flower so i can practice for my good seeds. i dont care about height or yeild just want the experience
  4. D

    newbee need help

    hi im new to this forum and i am wonderin what is the absolute earliest i can put a plant into flowering so i can get practice with my bagseed plant before i grow my canadian chronic. thank you