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    CFL BULB, Can they be dimmed?

    Yo, As the subject suggest. Got 1 600w hps and 2 125w cfls in my grow tent. As im comingclose to harvest in few weeks i wish to start tapering down temps, lumens etc etc. Wonder whether the cfl bulbs can be dimmed on those ebay light dimmer switches? I got a lumatek dimmable ballast so that...
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    25 Big Buddha Critical Mass Auto grow...let ya know

    any update on these bud?
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    Seedling Leaf Yellowing

    Is that sign of life I see??? Lol No nutes, just water ph'd to 6, seems to be growing ok but the yellow leaves are getting worse?
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    Seedling Leaf Yellowing

    Anybody? 93 views no opinions? Hmm
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    Seedling Leaf Yellowing

    Hi all. Was wondering whether anyone could help me, have a young plant bout 8 days old showing yellowing in the centre. Its in a peat pellet under 125w CFL with 7 other plants of same age. The temps areconstant at 24c and RH 78%. The yellowing has gone slightly worse in past 12 hours... Any...
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    First Grow Hydro

    Theres 2 in one pot in 4 my mate said but both in cause one is most certainly gonna die lol
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    First Grow Hydro

    Let me know your thoughts guys. Some growth is WAY WAY slower than some others, but they're all treated the same. I dont understand? hmmmm
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    First Grow Hydro

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    First Grow Hydro

    Right i have a dillemma. I onlyhave one fan dimmer switch. Ive put in a 7inch desk fan secured it to the top corner and putiton a nice low speed which is great. My temps are nice and steady around 24c but the humidity is rising, currently at 72RH now. Question is do i ignore the RH and...
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    First Grow Hydro

    pic name ending in 6 is No1 and ending in 11 is Plant 6, 7 and 8 photos did not work for some reason =0
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    First Grow Hydro

    Pics as promised lads. This isint all of them? Is there a 5 pic limit? I am going to label them in the morning so easier to reference in photos etc Not really sure what to do from here, wait a week or two then start 1/4 nutes twice a day then go from there i think..
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    First Grow Hydro

    Just did it mate. I just checked them now after i been to town and the roots are out of the pellets and all ovr the fking shop! So emergency potted them into hydroton. Dont know how well a job i did but its done now few days i guess will tell. Have put a fan in there blowing down but creates...
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    First Grow Hydro

    those 2 plants leaves have slight curls upwards. as the heat is constant at 31.5c is it a good guess to say heat? Im going to buuy a tower fan anyway for my tent and see how that goes. I slightly watered those two wiltering mofos earlier, one has now propped up by itself and i manually did the...
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    First Grow Hydro

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Woke up this morning took a photo and look whats happened. The photos actually show 2 of them. The rest are standing up strong with bigger leaves than yest etc, but these two have keeled over? Could it be heat? the hygro shows max 31.5 in prop? Moved the cfl...
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    First Grow Hydro

    Cheers lads, i wasnt sure whether those leaves on the side are meant to be drooping, so obviously was worried whether i was f**king them up as i been v.lightly spraying the peat pots ED or EOD. Will be posting regular so looking forward to feedback / pointers etc.
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    First Grow Hydro

    Hi all, Finally found the time to start posting my grow journal. Obviously not being experienced enough the feedback ive seen from users has been second to none. Basic info on my grow, using a 1.2x1.2x2.0 grow tent with 600w dual spec HPS,carbon filter wilma 8 pot hydro system only using...
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    Hydroponic Tent Cunundrum

    thanks for reply mate!! Just going to grow the basics first as new to hydro. Going to grow 8xCritical Mass auto's so hoping for an easy grow, hopefully i dont have to move it and they flower fast!!
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    Hydroponic Tent Cunundrum

    Hi Lads!! First post as a member! have read countless threads on here as a guest, but the time has come where i now need to ask for assistance and hopefully contribute/help members also. just purchased a 1.2x1.2x2.0 tent with complete hydroponic wilma 8 pot system, with coco clay pebbles, 600w...