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  1. D

    questions about plant steroids

    Food for thought! just gotta get some indole-3-butyric acid lol.
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    questions about plant steroids

    Indole-3-acetic acid, also known as IAA, is a heterocyclic compound that is a phytohormone called auxin. This colourless solid is native plant compound, potent and the most important auxin.[1] The molecule is derived from indole, containing a carboxymethyl group (acetic acid). Biosynthesis and...
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    questions about plant steroids

    YEAHMAN ! Biologists learn how plants synthesize their growth hormone auxin October 24, 2011 Biologists at the...
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    Organic Bloom Bossters any Ideas?

    Hey, I'm just starting to get into compost teas and all that organic malarkey, how would I go about making a proper organic bloom booster? I use PK 13/14 and canna Boost normally but it is shit. I found this Dutch pro booster works great but it is chemical I think, no ingredients on the pack ...
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    Please help me plant emergency!!!!! I have no idea whats wrong

    Its hard to say whats going on here do you have a soil ph meter? do you have a soil moisture meter? If I were you I'd borrow these things if you havn't got them and find out whats going on bro could be many things defs, hotspots in the soil if it wasnt sifted or mixed right. If you have this...
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    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    I always try to use rain water i get an EC reading of 0.03 which is good guess it depends where you live though. If I have to use tap water it reads 0.25 on the EC meter and it is soft water so I add H2O2 to help "clean" some of the disolved salt as the extra Oxygen molecule displaces and binds...
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    URGENT problem needs your help!! PICS inside

    Imo I would mix up some nutes of balanced NPK 10,10,10 or what ever maybe add some epsom salts for mg but not much small teaspoonful 5ml in 10litres/quarts. Because your ph was way to low 5.8 is ok for hydro but in soil you'll lock out nutrients if its been like that for a while When you mix...
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    My 800 Watt Grow Room, on a Budget

    Nice bud growth for 3 weeks in man, have you considered using a fan in the early stages ? It'll increase stem thickness alot giving you even more buds. I get a fan on mine after 3 weeks from seed and always get atleast 1" main stem just gradually bring fan speed up with a controller from slow...