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  1. Y

    Help me

    250 ppm yeah the ph was fine! This was the plsnt the day before I put it in the hydro
  2. Y

    Help me

    This is the pic
  3. Y

    Help me

    can anyone tell me what is wrong with my plsnt it was perfect yesterday. now today it looks like this. The second pic was yesterday.
  4. Y

    Help me

    can anyone tell me what is wrong with my plsnt it was perfect yesterday. now today it looks like this. The second pic was yesterday.
  5. Y


    How do I change ti the bloom tho do I just make them up and add them to my veg neutrients Because it would be really hard to empty the water out yeah it's a photo can u see it all the neutrients are under the plsnts
  6. Y


    switched to flower 5 days ago how do I start using bloom nutrients and how do I do it do I just add them into the water already in the reservoir using flood and drain system
  7. Y

    Can I flower these are they big enough

    I've got a scrog net but wasent really sure how to do it lol will have to read up on it more
  8. Y

    Can I flower these are they big enough

    This is my first time mate it's a 1200. X1200 tent and 2 meters high the strain is jack hammer by Victoria seeds this is my first plsnt I'm dying to see them in flower never done this before
  9. Y

    Can I flower these are they big enough

    Im looking for a gd yeild only using a hps 400 watt light what's average per plsnt mate
  10. Y

    Can I flower these are they big enough

    Can I flower these are they big enough
  11. Y

    Is this normal

    Can you tell me how many she has if u can tell buy this pic mate shes bigger now tho
  12. Y

    Is this normal

    I'm bad st this man lol this was on the 12th how many internodes does it have here im clues less at this but it's bigger now
  13. Y

    Is this normal

    I'm sure they are about 8 inches the now from top of the clay Peebles to the top of plsnt
  14. Y

    Is this normal

    Thanks I have a small fan I never used maybe 8 inch or so I will use that and just let it blow around the tent will keep it on low setting
  15. Y

    Is this normal

    This might sound daft but I have never used any fans in this tent should I start I know everyone does I just never have was going to buy some
  16. Y

    Is this normal

    How would I judge this then would I say double the height she is the now and just see how much space I would have left ? Plus the distance from the light ? And work it tht way ?
  17. Y

    Is this normal

    Aww I see mate should I just leave her for another two weeks like u says then switch mate ?
  18. Y

    Is this normal

    Thts the photo I seen mate cheers lol
  19. Y

    Is this normal

    Thts exactky what I bought there lol
  20. Y

    Is this normal

    Would I just add the bloom neutrients when she stops stretching then mate ? I also have a booster it's ionic products