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  1. G

    Please help identifying this problem

    late in flowering fan leaves will die off ,making room for newer fan leaves also coud b an fert problem over fert
  2. G

    Droopy Fan Leaves

    over or under watered
  3. G

    why has this happened to my girls?

    how old is plant? over flowered plants turn herm if flowered to long or before they die as a last ditch effort to stay alive.also light leaks,poor enviroment,heat,or maybe herm genetics.a number of factors can cause herms especially stress,but all is not lost because now u have seeds that will...
  4. G

    Wtf is wrong with my plants, pics

    afther closer inspections i would guess a nutrient def mg/cal/nitro under, over if tips where burnt.nutrient lockout and over watered. correct ph the soil/less water also check lighting.some times afther older leaves serve their purpos they yellow and make room for the younger leaves.get...
  5. G

    Wtf is wrong with my plants, pics

    is this yellowing only on the older fan leaves?your plant looks as if it has more than one problem.firs it looks to be over watered,because of the droopy look.there are numbers of things that could cause your leaves to turn yellow from bottom up,overwatering is one because it affects the...
  6. G

    Whats happening to my plants????

    test the ph in your soil,could be a nutrient lock out.over watered,cut back watering.over fertilized,cut back on nutrient or flush soil.under fertilized,i fertilize every watering but very mild.insects, inspect leaves,virus,temperature,humidity,lighting,fungus.maybe the genitics in that plant.i...
  7. G

    Hey can sum1 help????

    looks like over watered
  8. G

    brwn spots on to leaves??

    if the spots only on top leaves!then move your lights far as urine its tru,u hav to dilute.but you can use it to magnesium.
  9. G

    brwn spots on to leaves??

    first check da ph in soil,flush flush flush if pos over fertilized/nutrient burn,if it started on the bottom leaves first.then i would say a magnesium def,add 2 tea spoons of epsom salt to a gallon of water and foliar feed too problem stops,and keep an eye out for pest.
  10. G

    Burnt Leaf

    mg does not contain calcium nor magnesium and some other micro nutrients.add som lime which contains calcium and magnesium.firs check your soil ph,could be a nutrient lock up.adding more nutrients could add more problems.if the plant is not accepting a certain nutrient.and your adding more...
  11. G

    Please HELP diagnose sick weed---WITH PICS

    transplant to new soil,looks like a nutrient def,fungus or over watering.check your roots for rotting.but first check the ph in the soil.keep doing diffrent things until you figure out the problem.1 step at a time
  12. G

    Leaves are beginning to curl and brown

    with burnt tips it could be a number of things.first check the ph in soil,it may be a nutrient lock up,fungus,heat stress,over fertilized,im leaning more toward a nutrient def.( phosphorus)
  13. G

    Holy crap, they sprouted, now what?

    i would transfer them into diffrent soil.potted soil,re pot.then place them under 24 hrs light.water only when soil is dry,see what happens.just because it didnt get you high,cant blame that on the strain.blame it on the grower!
  14. G

    Potential problem?

    add peroxide to your water,gives the roots oxygen and prevents over watering.
  15. G

    Growing from seed

    when handle sprouts use tweezers,dont touch sprout.also when germinating keep paper towels moist,but in a dark warm place.once sprouted take a pencil and poke a two inch deep whole in soil.carefully placing with tweezers sprout down.then lightly cover wit soil.have your soil prepared 48 hrs...
  16. G

    NUTRIENTS how Often...!!!

    under watered/over watered/humidity/nutrients