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  1. Splaff

    Antivirus Paranoia

    Okay, so I'm pretty stoned right now and I just had to get rid of a trojan that had somehow got by my antivirus shit and it dawned on me that it seems perfectly reasonable that anti-virus companies would code their own viruses to ensure that their product keeps selling! Stoned paranoia...
  2. Splaff

    pot makes you stupid

    There are naturally stupid people in the world, and there are people who smoke pot. Statistically, there are going to be people who are in both categories.
  3. Splaff

    pot makes you stupid

    I think that pot doesn't make you stupid, in fact one of my friends summed it up pretty well one night when we were stoned. She said that she thinks that pot actually increases your mental capabilities (proven, at low doses anyway) but you are less able to exploit it because you are too sleepy...
  4. Splaff

    New Pothead

    Wahey, more Norwichians!
  5. Splaff

    SeedFinders dynamic Hybrid-Map (beta) is online

    That's awesome! Really cooling sliding effect. +rep for good coding!
  6. Splaff


    Yeah, I know UV(C) emits at a wavelength that damages the reproductive capabilities of a lot of bacteria, rendering them useless. It's also handy in sterilising water and medical equipment! I wasn't sure if it applied for UV(A) and UV(B) though.
  7. Splaff


    Awesome, I'll look it up. I heard UV(A) can be a pretty good disinfectant too?
  8. Splaff

    Whats wrong with my plant? (Leaves curling, dying)

    The visible dead patches on the sun leaves could be caused by a pest or pathogen. If you've got a magnifying glass examine the bottom on the leaves for spider mites. If you spray some water on the leaves you can sometimes see the little webs too! Fungi tend to infect the stoma in the leaves, if...
  9. Splaff


    Hi! Awesome site; who says the Counter-Culture is dead?! I'm not a hardcore grower, but I do have an indica growing right now, using only love, attention, the energy provided by sun, and some H2O. I'll post some pics soon. I am struggling a bit with pests and fungi though, so any advice on...
  10. Splaff

    how will eating cannabis effect me?

    Dude, make a cake with it! I have to this day never been as stoned as I was when I had one (small!) slice of cake with cannabutter in it. Tastes amazing and it'll ruin you in 45 mins. Can't really say what effect it has on anxiety though, only one way to find out!