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  1. O

    i this normal, i donk know how to decribe this____(pic)

    i dont think anything broke off, the tooth pics are in there because the plant was growing all lopsided like, it needed to help be straightend out before it got any worse.
  2. O

    i this normal, i donk know how to decribe this____(pic)

    its in my own soil i made from composted horse poo, a little bit of potting soil, some blood meal, something with vitamin b to help with shock, i put them in dirt about a week ago, i put in some garden lime and wood ash to help stabilize the pH level because it was little acidic. no fertilizer...
  3. O

    i this normal, i donk know how to decribe this____(pic)

    its a clone, about a month old, the leafs are doing something weird, the leaves look healthy, watering about once a day, i planted them in rock wool,, is this normal for clone babies?