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  1. C

    first time askin advise

    This is it now so it's looking better. The stems are looking real light green and the leaves are as dark as you see without the white bulbs. I keep reading up on nitrogen tox but I hope it's not!!
  2. C

    first time askin advise

    Idk what lime is ):
  3. C

    first time askin advise

    Okay great inputs guys. Really. I wasn't sure about the misting but I'll cut that out lol. The first few days she was slow. Then she just took off!! This was the first sign of upwards curl so Deff can use advise lol. I normally spend time roaming through all the forums and then decided to...
  4. C

    first time askin advise

    Canopy is 83 and I am currently using just rain wateR. Wanted to get a grip on it without nutes before I run out an grab a bunch of stuff I don't know how to use l
  5. C

    first time askin advise

    I am a first time indoor grower. I have never used a forum before to ask for advise or help lol. I have a picture I can put up but maybe someone knows what I'm talking about. The leaves are kinda curling upwards just a Bit. Not bad I don't think but I'm not sure if it's good either. Temp is...