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  1. I

    New Member/Grower 2 weeks into flower how do they look?

    If you top your plants, it will stunt thier height growth considerably. Always remember to top your girls once they've reached the 7th or 8th node, and it will save you height. The MMJ plants want to grow crazy tall, some even 12-15 feet tall, so you have to stunt that by topping them or they...
  2. I

    New Member/Grower 2 weeks into flower how do they look?

    You are correct. Mildew and Mites are your two biggest enemies in a tent. Keep that humidity down to below 45% for best results. If you are struggling, buy a dehumidifier, its worth the investment in a tent. For your first grow, I suggest you follow the foxfarm feeding schedule to the letter...
  3. I

    New Member/Grower 2 weeks into flower how do they look?

    "Would it be better to not flush this harvest seen I do not have an educated guess on harvest time as of now? And start flush with next grow same strain so I have a better idea on time. Or wait till they are done then go 2 weeks more for flush? " Answer: Flush the fuck out of them for...
  4. I

    New Member/Grower 2 weeks into flower how do they look?

    Place your wrist over the top of your tallest cola and move your light closer until you can feel the warmth on your wrist, then back it off a bit until you cant. (just like a mother testing a baby bottle on her wrist before she feeds the baby) Your looking for a range from 12-16 inches from the...