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  1. DurbanP

    male or female?

  2. DurbanP

    male or female?

    Ill try to get a few better ones tonight. The plants are about 2ft high already. Lots of nodes. They have been in flower for 12 days now. Will post more asap. Thanks for the help!
  3. DurbanP

    male or female?

    I think I know the answer but wanted a second opinion from people with experience. Any feedback would be great. Thanks in advance
  4. DurbanP

    New LED and plant problems

    And the last of them
  5. DurbanP

    New LED and plant problems

    I gotta do the pics one at a time
  6. DurbanP

    New LED and plant problems

    I wasn't foliar spraying at all.... I didn't know what it was until you said it and I Google it. Im limited on my ability to control temperature. It is way to hot upstairs and with the fan on to pull through the carbon filter I cant seem to keep the tempts higher. I did reduce the fan to low...
  7. DurbanP

    New LED and plant problems

    Thanks for the reply! Did you mean the new growth turning brown or purple? Or the dark stuff on the plant already? The bottom leaves are turning a very dark green. The calmag seems to have helped. I will wait till the soil dries out and add more. I want to take a few pictures of the plants from...
  8. DurbanP

    New LED and plant problems

    hi guys, Just got the new light installed (started to flower about 10 days ago). I think 2 of the 4 are female, but I am going to wait another day to make sure as im not sure). Very new grower, just doing it as a hobby and personal use supply. I noticed over the last two weeks since I put...
  9. DurbanP

    Worth it or not?

    Perfect. If I could hit 3 consistently I have no worries at all. I will definitely do a journal and diy on making it if I go with the cabinet. A tent is a pretty simple idea as well. The cabinet would end up being more expensive and time consuming, but also pretty sexy when finished. Any...
  10. DurbanP

    Worth it or not?

    Thanks for the response. Id have no problem changing up what I use, and doesn't have to be stealth at all. They just have a smoking deal on those cabinets. I wish I had and extra foot of height down there, but so is life. I just want a set up that is capable of producing that type of yield...
  11. DurbanP

    Worth it or not?

    Hi everyone, Short time reader (I have to be honest, but I can't stay off the forum since I found it) first time posting. I wanted to run a grow cabinet set up by you guys. I was thinking of using this cabinet...