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    My seedlings seem to always get stunted around 1-1.5 weeks..

    Just now watered today after sticking my entire index finger in the soil, and it being bare. I have it on its lowest setting and it’s not more than a slight breeze over the topsoil. my othher post on this same forum told me to move it way closer... here’s what the airflow over top of the...
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    My seedlings seem to always get stunted around 1-1.5 weeks..

    As already stated in this thread, no I am not. I am fully watering the container to slight runoff points. I make the roots chase the water. I appreciate your input but please fully read and don’t skim over..:/
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    My seedlings seem to always get stunted around 1-1.5 weeks..

    gotcha right here my friend. I’m waiting on my shipment of 1/8” rope ratchets to even out my light lol, I hate how the Mars Hydro TS1000 only included one! @Gond00s what would you recommend autos be planted in? As a newb I’m veryworried about picking out a potting mix that will fuck me, so...
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    My seedlings seem to always get stunted around 1-1.5 weeks..

    Happy Frog isn’t typically known as a hot soil, is it? and the soil blend is 40/40 with 20% Perlite. It’s cut with HF as a buffer, upper half HF, lower half OF heavy, with 3 sections of the pot with perlite tossed in. I’ve seen several people grow these same genetics in straight unbuffered and...
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    My seedlings seem to always get stunted around 1-1.5 weeks..

    Hey guys. I’m really at a loss for words here. My first grow was done in a space bucket using some subpar genetics. And I went from seed to harvest without a single hitch...I think? It was grown in a 1 gallon pot due to the space bucket size restriction, and grew to be 17” tall and produced a...
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    Two seedlings, two problems :(

    Well, the situation just worsened overnight for one of them. For the other, it is doing okay. Very brittle leaves, so much so when just wiping one, it tore as you can see. Doesn’t seem to be bugs. I’ve used Neem Oil on all leaves, upper and under side, of all plants in rotation, and the...
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    Which best water

    Amazon for a water quality ppm meter!
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    I think i got a dude in the flock!!

    That’s some ball action! you can carefully pluck them and reduce stress to try to resolve, but if after a week or so they continue to form, separate to collect pollen (for breeding later), or destroy thoroughly :’(
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    Two seedlings, two problems :(

    Got movement on all of them! Should I throw the dome back on the unsprouted one, or just keep it moist-er? and for the comment about wetting the soil more — I actually just did, but laid down fresh DE, and lightly turned, so it looks a little drier than it is on camera! edit: added a small...
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    Two seedlings, two problems :(

    Done - to both of ya - thank you for that tip! I just saw a thread the other day on here before registering where someone said, “you wanna simulate natural wind, not a hurricane”, so I was worried about too much lmfao!
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    Two seedlings, two problems :(

    Well guys, I’m not sure what’s going on...I recently had a pH issue that has since been corrected, upgraded from a grow box to a grow tent to prevent pests, changed all of my soil and pots out, wiped the tent and room down, treated new pots with a misting of Neem oil prior to use... Somehow, it...