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  1. M

    So you want to be a libertarian

    Wasn't even going to post in this thread until I saw Vi calling Med a "Socialist/Communist." Made me lol. Keep up the fight Med!
  2. M

    Will marijuana ever truly be legal again in the US?

    Marijuana will be legalized in my lifetime. I guarantee it.
  3. M

    attitude Seed bank Warning. Dont waste your time!

    Looking forward to seeing a response tomorrow :P
  4. M

    Article: Prescription Drugs Are Bad

    Thanks for the article bro!
  5. M

    CANNABIS THERPEUTICS is the place for me.

    I'm from Colorado, and I'm working towards getting my card. That being said, his completely unprofessional manner is a definite deterrent.
  6. M

    2700 Year Old Pot Stash Found

    Makes me want to be an archeologist.
  7. M

    Northern Colorado Dispensaries

    I could use this information as well.
  8. M

    I can't believe cops could be so low...

    Why can't you believe this? This is like Piggy 101 where I'm from.
  9. M

    Eyes In The Sky

    lol GW's after your stash.
  10. M

    Meditation Jesus and weed

    Rastafari around the world agree, marijuana is good for the soul. bongsmilie
  11. M

    [UK] Drug-testing device used at pubs and clubs

    Exactly what I was thinking bongsmilie GG
  12. M

    Colo. Couple Get Marijuana With Order Of Tacos

    This isn't the first time I've heard about something like that happening, but all I want to know is: Why can't this happen to me? :(
  13. M

    Absorb your profits

    Get a job with a tipped income, and be the luckiest person in the company when it comes to tips ;) (but don't overdo it). That way, having hundreds of dollars in cash is a normal thing, and depositing hundreds in cash is a regular routine.
  14. M

    Alright Barack Obama supporters, now what?

    Just because a candidate says something, doesn't mean it'll get done (privatizing social security and reforming the tax code, anyone?). McCain definitely lost my vote when he said he wants to build 45 nuclear power plants, and cut taxes at the same time (when insurance companies won't touch...
  15. M

    can some1 explain how pulling out of iraq "will weaken our nations military"

    We'll see.
  16. M

    secret valley seeds .. purple pineberry.

    That is a gorgeous strain, I wouldn't mind having it purely for aesthetic purposes (although that's not why I'd have it :P).
  17. M

    how to end a bad trip?

    I've found that the best thing to do while tripping is this: Remember that it's just a drug, and you still have control of your mind. Having the mental fortitude to remain dominant over the hallucinogens you take is vital, in my opinion. It has gotten me through many an experience, including...
  18. M

    For all of you who need to pass a drug test...

    Never had to take a pisser myself, but I do know someone who has the job of looking at your dick when you piss. He's a total fucking stoner, so it blew my mind when I found out that was his job... Anyway, he says he doesn't even look, as he doesn't give a shit. I know this doesn't help you but...
  19. M

    US Destroys Drug Lab In Afghanistan

    I want 40 tons of hash...
  20. M

    Cannibis Dispensary In Colorado?

    Cool, 2 in Fort Collins and 2 in Boulder... Perfect. Once I finally get this card (I know I'm elligible), I'm going to need to find a shop. Earlier in this thread it said something about $70 an ounce, is this the case for costs?