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  1. vikingstar56


    I didn’t throw any away, moved them to a different part of the property and continued their life for bees. The larger one was the one I thought was going to be female, then dropped balls rapidly, much later than the others.
  2. vikingstar56


    One plant, I neglected this one due to the lack of growth, died and some odd reason changed the pot and soil, and it regrew. AND WAS THE ONLY FEMALE. But I did get one
  3. vikingstar56


    I still have them on a different part of the property, definitely males.
  4. vikingstar56


    Crushing. I had 5 plants, 4 turned up pollen sacs quick, I had hope for this one. Might have to invest in some known female seeds
  5. vikingstar56


    Sooo, no chance of a nugget.
  6. vikingstar56


    i think I may have done a thing! Is this beautiful lady budding? Or most elaborate sacs ever?
  7. vikingstar56

    Did I just waste my time with these plants?

    Live in the northeast, plan was to leave it outside as long as possible, as I do not own indoor grow equipment
  8. vikingstar56

    Did I just waste my time with these plants?

    I’ll do you one better, I’ll show you!
  9. vikingstar56

    Did I just waste my time with these plants?

    I wish I even knew what you meant, been a fan of the product for a long time, never even attempted growing before.
  10. vikingstar56

    Did I just waste my time with these plants?

    Well good to hear, the bigger it’s getting, the more anxious I am to harvest a crop! Now it’s the waiting game, any idea when that should happen?
  11. vikingstar56

    Did I just waste my time with these plants?

    Ok, those were the worst three/4 can they still produce bud? Then i have this one, looks nicer than the rest, male too?
  12. vikingstar56

    Did I just waste my time with these plants?

    just curious if these looks like male plants, first time trying threw them in a pot outside and watched the magic happen.