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  1. Bina24

    what to do with male plant besides make seeds? sad to kill :(

    so sad news i ended up with 3 males...i dont want to pollinated the females and need to get rid of them asap!!! just wondering if u guys had any suggestions on what else i can do with them? cooking...hash... or are they just doomed for death?? :roll:
  2. Bina24

    yellowing and burning on bottom leaves??

    thanks for all your help guys! i also had a gnat problem earlier (if u notice in the pics i tried to cover the soil with paper to try to kill them off)....i thought they were slowly dying off until recently there seems to be a now i'm thinking that this whole problem could be from the...
  3. Bina24

    yellowing and burning on bottom leaves??

    i checked the ph its at 7 so that cant be the problem. they got small doses of nutes and have slowly gotten worse so it will need a flush... i'm just scared to...not exactly sure how to do it and dont want to kill the plants. any tips??
  4. Bina24

    yellowing and burning on bottom leaves??

    plants are about 2 months old now....a week ago started to yellow slightly on the bottom....nutes were given 8-4-4 twice a week (diluted 1/4) results...only problem is the water bottle with nutes was accidently given to not sure if there is still a deficiency or if it has now...