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  1. W

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    Thanks PJ for the help so far, and everyone else as well. I'll take another look at ph with my next set of plants. Changed the soil yet again. I'm almost positive its not a ph issue. Might be a nutrient issue though not sure. Oh well back to the labs. I'll do the veg based foliar feed tonight...
  2. W

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    Now there we go. I was looking for hps lamp suggestion. I will look into Digulux. Thanks!! Yes with my organic soil I let it back for about 4 wks before use. I may stay away from folier feeding for now to avoid any burn issues. Just to keep that out of the equation. Dont trust myself. I...
  3. W

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    I agree with you, however there is more than just light involved. You can use 1000W HPS light with a 1g pot plant and I bet you would have issues. What I'm trying to do is with my setup, size ventilation soil ambient temps etc., is find the optimum lighting, wattage and color temp. I have...
  4. W

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    Alright well I'm goign to try and mix some HPS and some blue light. What I might do is go back to the 250W MH, and then find a low watt HPS for the additional red. My guess is as the same as yours. The HPS is taxing the plant biology too much that it can't keep up hence the cannibalistic nature...
  5. W

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    Thanks for the info, however I have already gone down this route with many trials of water and soil. I'm purely organic soil with a weak soil feed of organics as well. I did a test of half my plants rain water half my plants tap and both had same results. The tap water tends to be hard with a ph...
  6. W

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    This would work except I have 2 tents, one for veg and one for bloom. Now I have a mh bulb that would work, its one of those HPS compatible MH bulbs. I could swap it in for a while for the extra blue, Eh i can't even do that because I dont bloom all at the same time. I still think my best bet...
  7. W

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    The lightblub i'm using is just a 400HPS "Venture Lighting" brand.
  8. W

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    Your on to something there I think. Anyone have a good suggestion for a 400W HPS grow bulb. That might be part of the issue. What you describe is exactly what I have. Sticks with buds, but see the leaves among the buds start to yellow as well and those are hardest to remove. I dont like...
  9. W

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    So I have been working on my indoor grow for two years. On a budget of course. When I first started i received a free 250w MH fixture so I used it for blooming. Free is free and it worked. Decent buds. My 8wk indica took a little longer to finish 10-11 weeks. Which was fine. The bud was good and...
  10. W

    Aquaponics - using Fish Waste

    i came across your thread by accident, and have been enlightened. I just realized 'aquaponics' recently. Being a fish breeder since I was 5, I've always had the fear of wasting water. Now since I started growing I have been using the water from my water changes as a supplement to feed my plants...
  11. W

    newbie rockwool question

    I've noticed a lot of posts and how-to's of rockwool cloning and seeding. Most of them shows the rockwool with an outer plastic layer, typically white. Is there a reason to this? The rockwool I bought doesn't have any outer layer, is there any concern? If there should be an outer cover, what...
  12. W

    Newbie Cloner Problems

    Thanks for the tips, I'll try that today with my next set of clones.
  13. W

    Newbie Cloner Problems

    See I was told that you wanted to keep the freshly cut clones' tips under water to avoid air getting up the stem for at least the first few days if not longer.
  14. W

    Newbie Cloner Problems

    Thanks for the input so far. I'll be taking a few more clones soon and I'll try to cut back on the leaves. Not sure what to do with these ones. They look pretty rough. I have them in 1" standing water. Should I take them out of this if it may be impacting oxygen levels to the roots? I've always...
  15. W

    Newbie Cloner Problems

    Also, note that I used powder rooting hormone on the clones before placing them in the soil. Can't get a hold of the gel version in my area.
  16. W

    Newbie Cloner Problems

    This is my first post here and I look forward to your advice. I've spend a lot of time on here researching questions I've had in the past, but this one seems to not have the right answer for me. I have begun my first test clones just to see how it goes. Running into problems right off the bat...