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  1. Y

    What is the best Vaporizer?

    Ever since I got my Iolite I have been using it multiple times a day. Just last week I vaped a bowl in Alice in Wonderland in 3D and nobody was any wiser! Best portable vape, period. Just a steep entry price, which is really too bad.
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    The Largest Street Gang in America - Everyone should watch this! Protect Yourself!

    I could only watch a small portion of that video. I feel ill to my stomach right now. Where are we going as a people? What is to come in the next 50 years? I'm Canadian and have never owned a gun other then my .22 hunting rifle I use for moose hunting every september but thinking about it now...
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    A question for my American brethren

    I have wondered this for a long time and haven't really asked about it, so this is directed to the American residents here on RIU. Why is journalism so totally different then other parts of the world? I can only really speak for Canada (home) and the UK because those are the only other places...
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    what drug and how many times?

    Age: 19 Cannabis - Everyday for two years Drinking- Used to drink a lot before I found my love in weed. Plus its not as fun not that i'm legally allowed to drink haha. And yup. Thats it. Only other thing I would consider is Shrooms or Salvia.
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    Your First Joint

    I was 17 when I tried it first. I finally gave in to people telling me its safe and all those facts I know know so a friend hooked up up with this little, terribly rolled joint rolled with some white and red paper that tasted like a candy cane. I brought it back home cause my parents were...
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    does anyone else think guns should be banned?

    Oh Canada, my home and native land. I have a rifle. I shoot one moose, once a year for tradition and food. No body I know owns a handgun. "Armed Robbery" where I live is a baseball bat or a steak knife. We don't need guns cause the people who want to rob us don't have them... then again no...
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    Hey ninjavideo watchers, new herb docu.

    The Union is far from new but its an amazingly well done Doc. Highly recommend watching if you have an hour or two cause its well worth it =)
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    The "Explain your name" thread

    Mine is just something random I think sounded cool. I have been told it was a local band years ago here where I live!
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    CNN AC360 America's High Part 1 TOR/NZB

    I agree man, It was hard for me to watch
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    CNN AC360 America's High Part 1 TOR/NZB

    Had a debate tonight that I just saw. I almost cried when they tore up all those plants :(
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    Your perfect paraphernalia...

    I love bongs but I don't actually own one. I do however own a sherlock pipe. We have had some great times over the past few years =)
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    Single Plant, Personal Use

    Hey folks, i've been reading here for a while now but this is my first post. I'm planning on trying my hand at growing a single plant just for my personal use and not really for profit so what I was wondering was how much do I really have to put into it? Im not looking for a flawless...