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  1. Banteros

    Harvest now? - pics

    I decided to trim her down last night, thanks for all the replies folks. I'll let my other two/three get to amber trichs like boarder mentioned Here are some pics, probably not the best manicured bud in the world :roll: but. Not sure on weight yet, just going to let it dry out first then...
  2. Banteros

    Harvest now? - pics

    I have three other plants that are a little bit behind this one, so was thinking maybe getting a different mix of trichomes from each plant. This one is milky/clear dont think there's amber yet. Do you think it would be fine to take this one down now or better to just wait, for the other three...
  3. Banteros

    Harvest now? - pics

    Hey folks, just wondering if i should harvest one of my plants, this is my first grow into 8 weeks flowering. I think its pretty much done, but a more experienced grower will know, i tried a little tester branch a week ago and it was fine.
  4. Banteros

    Peak Havest time - Almost ready?

    Cheers for the diagram, yeah i think I'll try get them somewhere 50/50 milky/amber. Theyre indica's, i have one of those jewelers loupes x30, i'll have a proper look tomorrow when lights are back on. cheers for the info
  5. Banteros

    Peak Havest time - Almost ready?

    Hey folks, I'm on my first grow and one, of my four plants seems almost ready, but wouldnt mind a more seasoned growers opinion. Its on week 6 of flowering, pack says these take about 8 weeks to flower. I cut a tiny little lower branch of a couple days ago to test it , several bongsmilie's...
  6. Banteros

    Tiny little flies in my cupboard - what should i do?

    Had a little look for it again, here it is
  7. Banteros

    Tiny little flies in my cupboard - what should i do?

    Hey folks, just noticed today that there seems to be an increasingamount of tiny little black flies ( by tiny i mean you can barely see them ) in my cupboard growroom. I flushed my plants a couple days ago, when they were in the bath room i sprayed some bug spray in the cupboard and let it air...
  8. Banteros

    One of my plants doesnt seem to be flowering

    Dont think it can be light i've tried rotating them around so they all get the same light during the grow, I hope its just slow, if my others three are ready in the next couple weeks then it can have all the extra room to itself. Does the 'bushyness' of it not look strange? especially near the...
  9. Banteros

    One of my plants doesnt seem to be flowering

    Hey folks, can anyone help with some advice, one off my plants doesnt seem to be flowering, there are a few little white hairs here and there but nothing much. There's quiet a few bumbs in the stem, basically most of the way up it after i had a proper look, i posted a question about this a...
  10. Banteros

    Need some help with one of my plants

    Hey folks, can anyone help with some advice, one off my plants doesnt seem to be flowering, there are a few little white hairs here and there but nothing much. There's quiet a few bumbs in the stem, basically most of the way up it after i had a proper look, i posted a question about this a few...
  11. Banteros

    My First Ever Grow :peace:

    Week 11 Hey folks, I'm on week 11 now and 5 weeks and two days into flowering. I gave them some treacle at the start of the week 3 big spoons into 2 litres of water. I'll try and give them it every third watering from now on. I also gave them some more MG multi-purpose plant...
  12. Banteros

    Vortex Bongs

    Hey folks, wasnt sure where to post this but just wondering if anyone knows a site that sells Vortex Bongs, not the gravity one though, the 'normal' bongs. Been having trouble finding any...
  13. Banteros

    Strange bumps in Stem

    Hah, didnt read it properly bongsmiliedont think so, couple plants got a little squished when lights fells on them when they where young, so could one of those plants.
  14. Banteros

    Strange bumps in Stem

    Na, they have decent sized pots, not sure whats caused it.
  15. Banteros

    Strange bumps in Stem

    Hey anyone know why one of my plants stems have bumps going up it, maybe 2-3 of them. I was a little worried abit it as it not flowering as fast as the other three, but its starting to now a little bit. Thanks :peace::leaf::peace::leaf::peace:
  16. Banteros

    Tate and lyle treacle

    Ok cheers, H&B might sell it, its the same brand so, couldnt see it on the website but might get it in the shop.
  17. Banteros

    Tate and lyle treacle

    Is it this stuff
  18. Banteros

    Tate and lyle treacle

    I think i read on another forum that someone contacted the tate company and they said it was unsulphered. Didnt know Holland and barret sold it, i'll grab treacle tomorrow and try get the other one from holland and barrets next time im in town, cheers for the replies
  19. Banteros

    Tate and lyle treacle

    Hey, just a quick question about treacle, I'm about hlaf way through flowering got 4 weeks left, would adding diluted treacle help out, ive heard this is similar to molasses. I think ive left it a bit late to order anything online to make it worth while, so was just looking for an easy little...
  20. Banteros

    A Few Questions

    Ive got a 300 watt red spectrum cfl up top, and a couple 45 watt cfl's one blue on red at the side that i try move around to lower bud sites. Hopefully get a couple ounce from the four.