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  1. F

    Seed Germination

    I stuck my seeds right in dirt after soaking them overnight. It took them like 4-5 days to pop out of the soil being buried 1/2" down. 2/2 sprouted.
  2. F

    How do they look?

    they are getting bigger fast and looking good ima take some more pics soon.
  3. F

    got a bag of premature bud, how to cure it?

    I used to buy from this guy who half the time sold me wet bud... I never said anything cause it wasn't a big deal to me. The way I see it, just leave the bag open (in a drawer of course) for the first 3 days and it will dry out to where its better. IMO it was kinda fun getting such bags cause...
  4. F

    How do they look?

    ikr? It smells my whole room, not foul like skunkish but sweet mother of god/ Glad I don't live anywhere I need a filter. :D
  5. F

    How do they look?

    Well the humboldt has started flowering (one on right, image on left of developing flower) but the SLH (on the left) hasn't showed much sign of flower yet. I think I see pre-flowers on the SLH but nothing conclusive yet, so crossing my fingers. They are short because they are in small pots...
  6. F

    How do they look?

    Yes. My lights have gotten too close several times from plant growth. I now have them about 2 inches away and it seems good so you sir are full of shit. These are cfls a foot away would be pointless.
  7. F

    How do they look?

    Oh, and mixed a some rabbit shit into the original dirt mix before planting. Rabbit manure is the only manure you can give to a plant directly without burn.
  8. F

    How do they look?

    Okay guise thanks for the compliments and advice. The dirt actually has moss type stuff in it which sort of gives it aeration, I'll definitively use some perlite next time. The pots are 1 gallon pots, and I don't think I'll repot because the fridge box isn't that big. They are bigger than they...
  9. F

    How do they look?

    So I can't remember when I planted these but it's been like a month. Ended up putting them in a mini-fridge grow box and have had them on 12/12 for about a week. Strains as labeled. Growing in regular dirt using my top secret organic nutrient mix. Only have 4, 23 watt CFL bulbs on right now will...
  10. F

    Will this work?

    Okay. After reading all your replies I figure I'll just clone before flowering, and just keep doing that until the weather starts warming up in the spring. Maybe I'll get 2-3 Indoor harvests in the meantime. :P Also, has anybody here grown Humboldt? Whats it smoke like?
  11. F

    Will this work?

    So, I have two seedling plants right now. Super lemon haze and humboldt. My question is can I grow them to harvest indoors, then reveg and clone them? I want to get a harvest this winter then make a bunch of clones for outdoor planting in spring. Don't want to bother with seeds again. Had...
  12. F

    I want to know If my definition of being stoned is good or not? opinions please?

    Cool story bro. First time I smoked I tripped BALLS. Once I just layed in bed and was able to focus my hearing on individual raindrops outside, it was pouring rain outside. But there are so many variables you can't just have any one definition of being stoned. Yours sounds good tho. :D
  13. F

    2' deep x 4' wide x 4 foot high closet

    Yeah, I don't have the money for a HPS right now. So the 8 23watt cfl's will be the way I'm going.
  14. F

    2' deep x 4' wide x 4 foot high closet

    I'm going to use thick white paper to cover the inside. I know I can work something out with ventilation. Not too worried about that. I have a bunch of CFL's, and want to use those. I don't want to go and buy a HPS light. So, (bump) how many CFL's will I need for this setup?
  15. F

    2' deep x 4' wide x 4 foot high closet

    I only plan on growing 2 plants. 1 Super Lemon Haze and another bag seed. How many CFL lights will I need for this? I know there is tons of tutorials but I'm tired and I know there are people that can tell me in half a sentence. :D I NEVER have any visitors, so I'm not necessarily worried about...