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  1. 420Miller

    Light problem for indoor marijuana growing

    MH puts out more the blue spectrum for vegging, Hps is more red/orange which the plants use for flowering. Just make sure that you buy a digital ballast, that runs both MH/HPS. And make sure the wattage on the ballast matches the bulb. Peace and Pot
  2. 420Miller

    First grow/Post! Purple Urkle

    I'm not saying i know best by any means, you may be mis-guided. There will be no fan on my intake bringing air in, it will just be a hole with ducting running in. Every forum i read is saying for a Passive intake/Active exhaust you want the intake to be slightly bigger than your exhaust. I'm not...
  3. 420Miller

    First grow/Post! Purple Urkle

    I got a 4'' exhaust cut out in the top left hand side of the box, which i got an 80cfm exhaust fan for. The fan is blowing in my intake just to move air around for right now, but once i get the fan mounted inside the intake is going to be passive. So i cut it bigger to make sure I'm bringing in...
  4. 420Miller

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    Somebody's been watching george carlin haha, love that guy.
  5. 420Miller

    First grow/Post! Purple Urkle

    Update time!! The box is almost done! Relocated the babies to their new home. Got all the chains hanged up for the lights. Just got to install the 4'' exhaust ducting and the 6'' intake ducting. Got another 42w today but it turns out it doesn't work, just burnt out when I screwed it in. That's...
  6. 420Miller

    Purple Urkle

    Update time!! The box is almost done! Relocated the babies to their new home. Got all the chains hanged up for the lights. Just got to install the 4'' exhaust ducting and the 6'' intake ducting. Got another 42w today but it turns out it doesn't work, just burnt out when I screwed it in. That's...
  7. 420Miller

    half ass grows with high expectations get you no were!

    Somebody has a big ego... For one LED's are going to take over. Plus why discourage anybody from growing. We are all in this together. Who cares if its a shitty $20 set up under a CFL. It's still one more person overgrowing the government. Yes all the stupid questions get annoying, but you can...
  8. 420Miller

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    Yeah cause people just bend over and take it. We think we have a right to our cannabis, and see how corrupt shit is. Most people that live their days in obeying the laws, they don't care. They just have the mentality that they don't break the law so why would it affect them. Yet more and more of...
  9. 420Miller

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    Agreed bro. The fact was it used to be a freedom we had. So, we have to vote now to get it back because a couple of racist money hungry people... Doesn't make sense to me.
  10. 420Miller

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    Decriminalization would still put lots of people in jail. All it means is that if you get caught with it you're not going to jail. If you grow it/sell it you are. Why can't we grow our plants in peace, save millions more on a war that has clearly failed, and has destroyed millions of innocent...
  11. 420Miller

    Post T5 Grow Pics

    Ah, true i would just mount some Cfls as side lighting then. Yeah those t5's are nice dude i was looking at them myself. For veg 6500k is the best. Cool/warm will work for flowering. Would love to see pics when you got it going bro. Peace and Pot
  12. 420Miller

    Post T5 Grow Pics

    I would stay away from the cool white, and replace them with natural(5000k) or Daylight (6500)k. I would honestly build my room just a little bigger than your lights so maybe 4'1'' or 4'2''. It will maximize the lighting. Other than that your good bro, they will grow fine, I hear they do best on...
  13. 420Miller

    Post T5 Grow Pics

    Get some HO t5's and you will be growing like a champ. I def want to grab some once i got the $$, only got some t12's right now.
  14. 420Miller

    First grow/Post! Purple Urkle

    Right now they are just in Alltreat potting soil, its the same price as MG just without the plant feed (which burned my last ones a bit). Once i transplant them into the 3gallons i will be picking up Fox Farms, or Pro-mix.
  15. 420Miller

    Purple Urkle

    Box is pretty much finished just got to paint it(Latex Flat White), cock the insides and hang the lights. Gonna figure out some kind of door for it, but I'm running 24 hours so not worried bout that right now. Box is 3'1''x2'x4' the 36'' fits in very nicely, got a half inch on each side...
  16. 420Miller

    First grow/Post! Purple Urkle

    Feel free to post away. Any input is more than welcomed.
  17. 420Miller

    First grow/Post! Purple Urkle

    Update time: Box is pretty much finished just got to paint it, cock the insides and hang the lights. Gonna figure out some kind of door for it, but I'm running 24 hours so not worried bout that right now. Box is 3'1''x2'x4' the 36'' fits in very nicely, got a half inch on each side. Plus we got...
  18. 420Miller

    First grow/Post! Purple Urkle

    They didn't sprout yet, was just showing how i get them from now, haha ill throw more pics up in a bit. Taking a smoke break from box building. Got 5000k tubes, for some reason can't find 6500k anywhere, and also grabbed another 42w 6500k cfl. Respects Magnificient
  19. 420Miller

    First grow/Post! Purple Urkle

    Update! Two of my three seeds have popped the soil, just need to REACH FOR THE LIGHT!!!! Going out now, to get some Daylight tubes, only had the cool white's at Canadian Tire. Should have pics up in a couple hours of the new box :D.
  20. 420Miller

    First grow/Post! Purple Urkle

    Whats up people, new to this forum, so decided what better way to start off than with a grow log. Nothing insane here, just something that's going to get me some personnel, and doing it more for the love of mary jane. So in the middle of getting my box together, its going to be 3'4''x3'x4'...