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  1. N

    Ph levels? Low! Help!

    a PH of 7 doesn't sound so bad so i wouldn't rule out other issues. But hard to help with limited information. What light are you using and how far away the distance? temperature? humidity? Nutrients used? etc
  2. N

    Plants having burned leaves

    So how far away do you have your light? I'm on my 2nd run now and it's going a little better. I'm starting 3rd week of flowering today and I have also raised the light further to around 90 cm and it was around 80 ish before. I'm also trying with more nutrients since some guy told me that fixed...
  3. N

    Plants having burned leaves

    No just ph, i have never tested ec. This is my first grow with the HLG. Before this i used a viparspectra and the only problem i had with that was that the intensity of the light was too low.
  4. N

    Plants having burned leaves

    I will try to flush them tomorrow and see what that does. Will update the thread once i have more info. Thanks guys!
  5. N

    Plants having burned leaves

    I just think it's weird that some plants like completely fine and others are starting to have this issue. Could that maybe mean that it's actually a ph issue since only some of the plants are having it while they are all getting the same amount of nutrients?
  6. N

    Plants having burned leaves

    My plants are having burned leaves and I'm not sure what exactly is the cause of this so i figured maybe you guys can help! I have 9 plants and 5 of them doesn't have any burned leaves while the other 4 does. I'm using HLG 650r LED. They are all in the same tent and here are some info on the...
  7. N

    Hlg 650r 5x5

    It's not a transplant issue since it started with the very first set of leaves and these pots have not given me any issues for the past several grows. The light was around 78cm distance from the plants and ppfd at around 500 from the start (this is a bit too high as well so early) and now the...
  8. N

    Hlg 650r 5x5

    Looks great! I just started my grow with my 650r a week ago. I think i had the light a bit too close at first and maybe also a bit too bright because the leaves got a weird curliness to them. What do you think?
  9. N

    Hlg 650r 5x5

    Looks great! Keep us posted :)
  10. N

    Hlg 650r 5x5

    What do you think about the heat output like are you doing something to keep it down? And am i the only one that is worried about the weight? Most lights i've dealt with was just a couple kilos and this is a lot heavier, i'm worried it might fall down someday
  11. N

    Hlg 650r 5x5

    Yeah i have been told by their support that co2 is required at 100% but maybe he is making it work since the height is at almost 36 inches? Obviously this would lose some efficiency on the wattage
  12. N

    Hlg 650r 5x5

    Isn't 3 feet too high? I use cm and 3 feet is like 90 cm, i thought it needed to be at like 75 cm ish
  13. N

    Hlg 650r 5x5

    I got my HLG yesterday but waiting on seeds so haven't tested it out yet. Does it cover the 5x5 properly? Another guy said he would have preferred this light in a 4x4. And can you tell me a bit about your setup such as light distance, are you using co2 or not, and are you using the light at the...
  14. N

    Is the 650r worth the price?

    Constant fresh air like an open window nearby or like actual ventilation into your tent from directly outside? I just got my 650 today but haven't tested it out yet. Its really heavy! Wondering if my lumii rope ratched is even strong enough to hold it. It would REALLY suck if it fell down and...
  15. N

    Is the 650r worth the price?

    I talked with HLG support and they said that co2 is required if i wanna run the light at 630w. Have you been running it at max without co2?
  16. N

    Is the 650r worth the price?

    Looks great! What distance from plants and intensity do you run with? And are you using co2?
  17. N

    Is the 650r worth the price?

    I'm waiting for my 650 now, should be here in a couple days. How are things going with yours?
  18. N

    HLG 650R tips??

    Did you start up a new grow yet?
  19. N

    Need some help with tent size for HLG 650r

    Okay i will run higher temps then! I'm trying to find a tent that is 5x5 and more than 8x height because i'm worried the distance plants needs to be from the LED is too much. I'm only gonna have around 25 inches of plant height to work with. What do you think?
  20. N

    Need some help with tent size for HLG 650r

    Are you saying i should aim for a temperatures of 82 - 86 fahrenheit (my 27 - 30 celsius) even during flowering with an LED? I was not aware of that. Is there anything else i should know when using LED compared to HPS?