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  1. N

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    If i was him yes i'd give that little neighbour 8 o's, but that 8 o's wud be how you get rid of the leaves of your plants. then just store your buds at a mates house. That or knock the guy out
  2. N

    help...are these ready (pics)

    mans backyard aint gt shit to do with the post. but yes 3 weeks definitelybongsmilie
  3. N

    Look.6thWk Of FloweringYay

    Looks potent but perhaps it wont be a great yield
  4. N

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    I got a 6 ft 2 cheese plant flowering, never smelt anything like it
  5. N

    Fuck fuck fuck ! Please help

    If you grow weed outside you can expect animals to attack the plant/eat it, i grew mine in an abadoned gas field and a fucking wild cat got high off it..
  6. N

    GanjaFarmers09grow 5 out of 7 stolen..

    That's bad, i'm an ex gangja plant thief myself to be honest , but feel for you that you lost 5 plants some thiefs have no respect :):joint:
  7. N

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    Love it, i got some cheese just about to bud. Any tips to get larger yield at this stage tho.