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  1. xkolex

    The "giggles"......... do you get them?

    im 22 and the only time i and others i know get really giggly is when we dont smoke for like 2 weeks then smoke again. now i havent done that in years (been smoking since 14) and only stoped for probation when i was 20 for 2 weeks, but when i stopped and smoked again i got the uncontrollable...
  2. xkolex

    Second CLF DIY Stealth Hydroponic Grow

    Good luck bro..i am about to harvest a grow with the stealthydro bubbleponics system, and it came out soooo damn frosty and dense huge nugs...all organic Nutes, i am flushing right now. but yeah i germinated too and put in rockwool and it sprouted very nicely. so best of luck to you on...
  3. xkolex

    8th week flowering RIDICULOUS BUDS!!!

    make sure a branch or cola leaves or anything is not rubbing or resting on the top of the colas/top bud. that will brown and almost make the hairs look like they have burnt tips and they are browning. Other than that plants turn realy cool colors like pink, brown, orange, white, and like a...
  4. xkolex

    when should i flush?

    how will i know when two weeks is? i know when to harvest like the trich and hair colors and what they do and stuff but how do you know two weeks before? i didn't keep track of my growing (like a journal) so i am not sure where i am as of budding?..i think like a week or two.
  5. xkolex

    when should i flush?

    hey everyone i am growing in a stealthydro bubbleponics system and was wondering when you should start flushing? i want to flush for 1-2 weeks so if someone could get back to me ASAP that would be awesome?...
  6. xkolex

    when should i flush?

    hey everyone i am growing in a stealthydro bubbleponics system and was wondering when you should start flushing? i want to flush for 1-2 weeks so if someone could get back to me ASAP that would be awesome?...
  7. xkolex


    ok man you need to lower your humidity to about 50..i like my humidity to about 30-40% when budding because when you have less humidity in your room you dont have as good of chance to get bud rot and your plant thinks its being stressed and produces more trichombs as a reaction from lower...
  8. xkolex

    how long does it take to show sex?

    yah how long do i put it in 24 hour darkness for. like how many days? and yeah i hope its female. only got one going since i am trying my new system out. its the stealthydro bubbleponics system. i messed up and put it in indoor lol instead of the right area. (hydro/aero) section lol. o well
  9. xkolex

    how long does it take to show sex?

    i have grown my baby up for 3 weeks and thought it would be alright to flower because of height issues i have, but anyways i have a Indica plant that is under a 430 watt son-agro HPS light and just put it into budding 9 days ago and still havent seen any signs of sex. the branches that grow out...