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    Is this flowering?

    If it snapped at a soft green spot then straighten it out and wrap some tape on it and it should be fine if it was at a hard woody spot your probably fucked.

    Best seed companies

    I have to say you can't go wrong with DNA or Reserva Privada all my favs are from them. I've grown confidential cheese, connie chung, kandy kush, martian mean green, lemon skunk and holy grail og. I really like their kush strains but all are better than the others I've grown from other...

    Which strain is best?

    I gotta agree with shrigpiece confidential cheese is my new fav. Just harvested some about a month ago and it is a great balanced high, has a pungent funky smell and a smooth earthy taste.

    2012 DWC Party Cup Grow Down Show Down.

    I'm getting in on this for sure! I've been growing in 5 gallon dwc buckets for a little while now and want to add a big rez and recirc, this might be cool to set up a mini version of what i have in mind. 8-12 cups each with an airstone and a 5 gallon rez? we'll see if that happens but anyway...

    Attitude average time to deliver?

    Attitude is great got my seeds in six days on the east coast and the customer service is awesome. I placed my order during one of their big promos and even though my payment didn't go through 'til 2 weeks later they still hooked me up with all the freebies. Good peeps over there.

    Is There A Way To Post Pics From Cell Phones Without Any Gps Info?

    Ok thanks, I do see that there is an option to store location in the camera settings now. I looked for it before I just missed it somehow. If anyones got a G2 its the 2nd little icon on the camera screen.

    Is There A Way To Post Pics From Cell Phones Without Any Gps Info?

    Unfortunately I don't think that will work. Cell phones embed a geotag in your photos which is basically the exact coordinates of where that pic was snapped. So if the pic is posted from a phone or a computer that gps info remains and can give away your garden's location. I will keep looking...

    Rockwool into Hydroton

    I gotta agree with FriendlyGuy, I germ in paper towel then into rockwool starter cubes that go right into my setup with hydroton.

    Party Cup Grow Off! (New and Improved w/ Prizes)

    Can't wait to see final results! Wish I could have gotten in on the contest i just started some bag seeds 12/12 from seed I'll be watching to compare the finished product. If there is a next time I'm in. Good luck to all!

    Is There A Way To Post Pics From Cell Phones Without Any Gps Info?

    I don't have a camera but my cell takes pretty good pics, I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to post pics taken with a cell phone without the gps info that can give away your exact location?

    Welcome New Members!

    Whats up everyone? I'm a new member here but I've been reading up on this site for a while now. So thanks for all the great info so far. I'm just finishing my grow areas and almost ready to do my first real grow. I've done some experimentation over the past couple years but have never been...