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  1. J


    Should I trim some of the fan leaves on my plant to give the lower flowers more light? They look like they're barely doing anything compared to the tops and middle of the plant
  2. J


    2 questions about the picture, how long is it into flowering, and whats with the purple leaves?
  3. J

    Epic fail

    i just checked my plant (pulled the 5 males) for the first time in 2 weeks, and found like 8 pistils sticking out of the top of each node, and the nodes are completely covered with crystals and purple. Looks like this is not a total waste of time :blsmoke:
  4. J

    Epic fail

    I could definitely use some help, because that sounds like a great idea... what are the supplies I would need to do that?
  5. J

    Epic fail

    I'm hoping my last one is a female, but how would she survive the winter for next years crop? And my boys are pretty obvious, just huge clusters of balls and so sign of pistils
  6. J

    Epic fail

    My crop was 6 plants of bagseed sticky, 5 of which are male, and 1 of them isn't showing any sex.
  7. J

    Epic fail

    Im sad... out of 6 plants ive found 4 males.... still no signs of sex on the last two
  8. J

    Turning purple

    my plants are just starting to flower and the stems at the top are turning purple, as are some of the leaves.
  9. J

    He's got balls.

    The boys got pulled, going to make a fat ball of hash with em :P
  10. J

    He's got balls.

    Should I just go ahead and pull the males then?
  11. J

    He's got balls.

    I'm currently growing 6 plants, 2 of which I just checked and are certain they are male, (first two pictures). I can see the pollen sacks from around 1 foot away, but on the 4 other plants I am confused as hell. I know the difference between a male and female plant, but on the other 4 plants I...
  12. J

    Question about my kin (pics)

    Thanks guys, one more question...I mixed the soil with miracle grow potting soil, would adding more nutrients for flowering be overdoing it? Could this possible harm the plants rather then help? I used about a bag and a half in total in the mix.
  13. J

    Alaskan Outdoor grown

    I love the location, and they look extremely healthy to me
  14. J

    Question about my kin (pics)

    The transplant was a success! And a pain in the ass. :blsmoke:
  15. J

    Determining sexes

    These are 2 tops of the plants I suspect are female. I see like 5-6 white hairs coming off the top, though it may be a little hard to tell from this angle.
  16. J

    Determining sexes

    This looks female to me, though I would like a second opinion from one of you all
  17. J

    Determining sexes

    Going to take a magnifying glass to em tomorrow, I'll keep you all updated if you want
  18. J

    Vegetation question

    My plants are around the third month of growth, if I were to take the dead leaves or the top leaves on the plant, dry them and then smoke them, is the effect worth the destruction to the plants?
  19. J

    Determining sexes

    I'm having a hard time telling the difference between the plants, I took some shitty ass pictures maybe you guys can give me a hand. Sorry about the low quality, its a pos camera. I can take more pictures if need be, I was just in a hurry.
  20. J

    Determining sexes

    Will I be able to tell the sexes of my plants in the 2nd-3rd month of growth? Also, where should I look and what should I look for to determine this. I've looked at guides to flowering, but they haven't really explained it well to me.