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  1. S

    Vaporizer taste/smell

    Hi everybody. I recently began using herb after many years (25+) layoff. I have been using a vaporizer (Solo) on various settings with the desired results except that I don't experience the taste and smell that I used to enjoy so much. I get a very mild hash-like flavor initially that I...
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    First intake in 30 years

    Thanks for all the nice responses. It's great to be back in the world of Marijuana - I especially like the horticultural aspects of my new hobby. Harvest days are coming up with plenty of strains to evaluate with my vape. I need so little of the stuff right now I may have to give it away!
  3. S

    Sour diesel taking soo long

    I have a Sour Diesel from Royal Queen Seeds that is beginning it's eight week of flowering. The main cola is fattening up and hairs are getting brown. Trichomes are clear to cloudy; probably around 2 more weeks until harvest for a total of 10 weeks from 12/12 flip. It's been a manageable...
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    First intake in 30 years

    So it's been about 30 years since I quit smoking pot. Recently harvested some Ata Tundra somewhat early, and dried quickly without a cure. Purchased a vaporizer and did 2-3 draws of this pure Indica strain at 383 deg F. Now most old men like to say how good the old days were - well I'm here...
  5. S

    Thanks! Things are progressing nicely.

    Thanks! Things are progressing nicely.
  6. S

    New old dude from PNW (Western WA)

    Hello from another older dude (53) who is applying my green thumb to the 420 world for the first time. Getting a little scared cause I'm looking at harvest in a few weeks and haven't tried the stuff in over 30 years...
  7. S

    1 st Grow Update ! Arround 5 Weeks Girls ! Need an opinion !

    I'm on my first grow too, about 6 weeks into flowering. My plants were taller at that stage but are not the same strain(s). It sounds like your temperatures may be a bit high, but the plants look healthy to my untrained eye.
  8. S

    Royal Queen Royal Cheese

    Late to this thread, but my Royal Cheese I got from Herbie's (planted seed on 4-24-13) is doing great. It is in it's 3rd week of flowering, and is covered with flowers - it is staying a manageable size for my inside grow, I'll post some images and provide updates as I can.
  9. S

    17 days from flip.......

    Looking good to me. You're about 5 days ahead of my flip and flower development look similar. I'll post a few images when I get a chance. I have 9 plants of 5 different strains - what are you running for light?