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  1. R

    Is GH Floranova organic?

    Thanks. Yeah I don't trust my ability to determine organic vs non organic based off ingredients.. lol Definitely a nube when it comes to that. I thought it would be non organic but I remember GH's own website refer to it as organic, and I've had a couple hydro shop guys tell me it was organic...
  2. R

    Is GH Floranova organic?

    As the title says.. I've searched all over and have found all sorts of answers. So, I figured I'd put it out there for alto chime in their 2 cents and hopefully come to a consensus. I ask because I'm looking to use some h2o2 or clorox in my solution but I've read that you shouldn't use them...
  3. R

    a little CONFUSED - HALP!

    As long as all of the tubing is lower than the water level you will be ok. The important thing in keeping the water levels the same in all your buckets is that the buckets are all level on the ground. If not the buckets that are lower will have a higher water level and vice versa.
  4. R

    My first DWC setup- Few general questions

    Thanks tehnick for the good info. you can never have too much info. Keeping the water temps down is crucial to preventing problem with the rez. At some point i will be getting a water cooler at some point. Im trying to keep costs down initially and then improve as funds come in. Another...
  5. R

    My first DWC setup- Few general questions

    Thanks JJ. The reason I am linking the buckets is because I will be growing SCROG and I would imagine that is it very difficult if not impossible to change to individual reservoirs once the plant is up into the screen. Thanks for the GH advice. I think i'm gonna go with the GH Micro and Bloom...
  6. R

    My first DWC setup- Few general questions

    Hi all, For the last couple weeks i have been doing a lot of research on DWC. Seems like a pretty straight forward method for growing with hydro. But, I have come up with a few questions that i either can't find the answers to or i find multiple answers and not sure which to go with. Any...