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  1. G

    Medical Marijuana Raids - Santa Barbara, Goleta, and San Diego dispensaries

    I am familiar with Craig and Helping Hands; I don't disbelieve what is being charged against them. I am sorry that this is how it went down, but he was not running a legal business; doesn't matter if its marijuana or donuts, you need to abide by legal business laws and regulations. A few months...
  2. G

    Decriminalization YES!...PROP 19 NO!

    So much is involved with Prop 19, I'm just not sure how detrimental many of those effects may be. Senate bill 1449 was a great help for us, and I hope medical patients are still able to receive all they need in future years. Legalization is a tough thing to do correctly..
  3. G

    Medical Marijuana Raids - Santa Barbara, Goleta, and San Diego dispensaries

    I'm not sure if you guys are up to date on what happened this past week, but just wanted to post my article here for you guys to read. It really shows that some of the individuals operating dispensaries are just looking to make money and NOT putting our patients first. This kind of activity...
  4. G

    Extremely Slow Flower Development

    Pics please. Make sure to go over your room for light leaks, timer mistakes??, check nutrient schedules and everything. Make sure your dialed on schedule to rule out any human error than maybe start looking to genetics but its doubtful. Good Luck
  5. G

    The 1000w Club

    1+ grams per watt is always a great goal for an accomplished grower. Easier with indica then sativa, but great hybrids out there too. Cheers :leaf:
  6. G

    How Much Weight Will Your Crop Loose???

    60-75% weight loss in water during drying process. Surprising eh?
  7. G

    Buds Started to Get white Mold on them while Drying?

    Basically the bud is no good. Its dangerous to smoke mold in any form and not recommended. I would place it in the freeze immediately and make hash out of it, preferably an ISO variation to have the alcohol kill the mold spores. Next time make sure the bud is dried correctly. If you are...
  8. G

    need some info on vortex fans

    You can definitely run the 4" flanges and ducting with your 6" Vortex. I would recommend calculating your air ventilation needs by CFM and cubic feet of the room. Calculation #'s and explanation here. It sounds like your tent is...
  9. G

    general yield question

    Depends on the strain and setup. I used to average about .7grams per watt with Master Kush in a 1000watt setup with soil and drip feeds. Once I changed over to soil-less mediums and better nutrient programs I was able to get .9grams per watt out of the same genetics. Mostly I'd say soil is a...
  10. G

    what would i end up with if i mated a shitload of unknown bagseed to make a mut?

    Haha there's not much logic behind your madness but I would like to comment on the "unknown" and "bag seed" breeding. You never know how good the genetics are until they are cultivated correctly!! Just because some bag seed isn't the best smoke does not necessarily mean the genetics are poor...
  11. G

    Color Temperature

    There is a color guide per kelvin scale on my website. Check it out, its great to compare artificial lighting to outdoor as well. Just remember, blue for veg and red for flower is the general rule for fruiting plants. Cheers!!
  12. G

    how to make a drip water system ???

    Great tips and info guide right here Just make sure to keep lengths and sizes consistent or there will be inconsistent flow pressures resulting in different amounts of feed per plant.
  13. G

    Soil question please help

    You need to PH your water. - Add all of your nutrients - Test PH - Add PH down, retest and feed around 6.0-6.5 in Veg for soil Cheers!!
  14. G

    +rep for price info

    i would not worry about purchasing from a hydro store. your all good.
  15. G

    +rep for price info

    Probably best to buy from online wholesalers, you can get some great prices. A good digital ballast will run around $275-$300, non-digital will come in around $150. 1000watt hood will run about $40-50, a "parabolic vertical reflector" is what your looking for. Hortilux 1000watt HPS lights...
  16. G

    Middle of leaves cupping up and yellowing

    Usually leaves that are "praying" or "cupping upward" are caused by magnesium deficiencies. Add some Cal Mag to your nutrients and make sure to PH to 6.2-6.5 in early veg growth. I would start with correct PH and minor cal mag additions, see how they recover.
  17. G

    emergency please help! :-P

    -Spray your clones with a gentle mist of cool water once a day. -Cut back the larger water leaves so there is less surface area for evaporation Humidity domes are great and in conjunction with misting you should be in great shape. If you get colder weather and or more general humidity then...