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  1. V

    2009 Auto-Flower Monster Competition!

    hi all its weird i said i had 4 females the one in a pot alone is much bigger and lots of growing bud no cristals yet the ones making company to the tomatoes are smaller i know it would happen becuase of all the plants sharing the same pot and soil. but here comes the weird part 2 of the three...
  2. V

    2009 Auto-Flower Monster Competition!

    For the Competition Strain: AF unknown Started: march 24 Medium: regular planting soil mixed with organic compost Nutes: regular 20-20-20 Schedule: every 10 to 12 days Ground or container: container: 1st - 1 liter, 2nd - 5 liter, and last 11 liter location: somewhere along the median of...
  3. V

    2009 Auto-Flower Monster Competition!

    Yes Finally here are pics of my girl only one of them it really takes long to download these pics eitherway here they are jejej im sure its an autoflower strain and see if you can spot the male in the other pot there are four plant in the big pot not including my tomato plant jejeje kiss-ass
  4. V

    2009 Auto-Flower Monster Competition!

    ive been trying to post pics but keep getting an error anybody plis help
  5. V

    2009 Auto-Flower Monster Competition!

    SURPRISE!! SURPRISE!! I bought a bag of some good herb about 4 or 5 months ago from my regular guy and i thought that the bud was really good much better than the usual stuff i get out here and so i kept the seeds, kinda small and pewny, I waited till the end of march to plant them, since ive...