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  1. ChefWil

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    A very great singer once said "Honey, if you don't get the music then your not supposed to yet" Give it time and give it another try, who knows. I used to hate Hip Hop and Rap but now I really enjoy it...... and they say you can't teach an old dawg
  2. ChefWil

    Hi From Davis, CA

    I live a couple of hours east of you, on the highway 20 way to Reno.
  3. ChefWil

    Hi from Sunny CA

    Hi folks, I have been browsing for a few days now and decided to join this great site. I'm a chef that really enjoys the benefits of using marijuana in his daily life and this has led me to develop several recipes and methods of use for our preferred herb. I would be very happy to help anyone...
  4. ChefWil

    2 Month Old Weed Pills...

    As with most oils taste it and if you have to spit it out then it's too rancid to eat. Even if rancid it won't hurt you. The thing I would be afraid of is that there was some pot left in the oil and it caused an anaerobic bacteria to form, hey botox is fine for an injection or 2 but it can be...
  5. ChefWil

    Making Tinctures and Alcoholic Beverages

    Here is a drink I made for an E Clampus Vitus event awhile back. Please apply sparingly because I had peeps laid out all over the place after a couple 3 shots of this mix. 1/2 gallon apple cider 1 1/2 cup red hearts candy 1 bottle, 750 ml, of the tincture above Put cider in a saucepan and...
  6. ChefWil

    Making Tinctures and Alcoholic Beverages

    Want a special treat for those White Russians? in the small laundry bag add about 1 pound of coffee beans and 2 or 3 vanilla beans with the amount of pot mentioned in the recipe above. When you open the jar and remove the pot sack add 4 to 6 cups of sugar and stir to dissolve. To serve poor 1 or...
  7. ChefWil

    Making Tinctures and Alcoholic Beverages

    Here is the technique I use for infusing THC into booze for drinks and tinctures. Put about 2 or 3 ounces of good sugar shake in a small laundry bag (the kind ladies use for their unmentionables) and place in a 1 gallon jar with a tight fitting lid. Add 2, 750 ml bottles of your favorite high...
  8. ChefWil

    I was a fool! I'll never make butter again!

    Thanks for the tip on the stocking URTHBOY, I have tried packaging it up and personally I like the little laundry bags for delicates. They seem to let the fluids pass through easier. I find that using water to simmer the bag of goodies for a few hours then adding the oil after the bag has...