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  1. Jables94

    Black cream grow

    Day 17: lil update The larger plant has grown loads and whilst the other one is still stalling by a lot compared to eachothers size, it is still growing but very slow -.- I gave the lil guy another light water with a tiny bit of nitrogen and epsom salts to experiment on what this problem is...
  2. Jables94

    Slow growing auto

    I need some advice. I got 2 sweet seeds black cream autos on the go. They are about 2 weeks old since they broke through the soil. One of the plants is growing lovely but the other one is still small and growing slow. They both have a mixture of compost and coco however one has more coco and...
  3. Jables94

    how do i get rid of FUNGAS KNATS???

    I had a bad gnat infestation on one of my old grows. I set up those yellow sticky pads around the inside of the tent and a few on the outside to try and prevent new gnats coming in. I then bought gnatoff i think, if not that at least a similar brand. I think it was something like 5 drops per 10...
  4. Jables94

    Cloudy going to Amber?

    Deffo need to go longer, as said by others it should need around 2 weeks although it could be a bit more as they definitely need ripening up. Keep an eye on triches too
  5. Jables94

    Black cream grow

    Day 13: So its been about a week since the last post and my one plant, the one thats had no problems has grown loads, its a little beast, theres even 2 preflowers on the highest node but no where else. She hasnt had a water now for about a week and shows no thirst, almost like she could go...
  6. Jables94

    Sexing help

    Congrats on the lil gurl
  7. Jables94

    Black cream grow

    Pretty happy now i can see growth from the smaller plant as it seemed that it had slowed down a bit obviously just needed a water
  8. Jables94

    Feeding autos

    I got 2 sweet seeds black cream autos on the go, if you are interested feel free to check out my journal. They are only about 7 days from sprout, dont worry im not thinking about feeding them yet i just give them water for now. Im wondering that because they preflower around 25-30 days is it...
  9. Jables94

    Black cream grow

    Day 7: Things are going well now. One of my pants is growing great as you will see in photos but one of the others had slowed down loads and became a little bit behind, but yesterday i gave them a water and the slow one has started growing so im happy, however he is stil a lighter green compared...
  10. Jables94

    How much longer u all think

    The buds dont look like they have ripened up much yet. Trichome wise, that picture shows a good amount of milky trichomes but there are still clear ones. If you are about week 9 i personally would let it go about 4 - 5 more days maybe a full week whilst checking trichomes everyday. I like to get...
  11. Jables94

    Black cream grow

    Day 3: Nothing much happening right now they are most likely building good root system. Both black creams have grown a little bigger and second set of leaves are starting to come through. I think they will be due a water in about 2 - 3 days as i watered the soil a day before i planted the...
  12. Jables94

    Black cream grow

    Okay so funny thing the 3rd black cream i was growing was a sort of backup one incase one of the others died early in the grow, and it didnt sprout so its gone haha. Im now left with plant 1 and 2 which are both out of shell. They are lookin ok some of the leaves curve a bit but thats most...
  13. Jables94

    how much do you think i will get ?

    At harvest i reckon you will have just over an ounce however after letting them dry it will probably be at an ounce or maybe a bit under
  14. Jables94

    Veg plant odor

    It might just be the smell of the particular pheno? Weed can still smell even when its not in flower. I grew blueberry a while back which in flower stunk of berries but in veg the plant itself stunk like cheese! I havent heard of determing sex by smell but i wouldnt be surprised if they are female
  15. Jables94

    Black cream grow

    I had 3 seeds and all of them germed however because im only doing 2 ive got a third one growing just incase one of them decides to die or something early in the grow. After germing i put them in soil yesterday and today they have broke through but still not properly sprouted. This is plant...
  16. Jables94

    Black cream grow

    I have been lookin at black cream for a while as i wanted quick autos but i also wanted some gnarly looking weed so i though sweet seeds black cream was the one. I dont have a massive grow space. My tent could fit 3 max but i am only doing 2 this round. I dont have much equipment either, i dont...