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  1. P

    Hey guys, new here and would like some help for first time grow.

    Thanks for all your replies. I instantly increased the height of the plant and will soon go find a stronger bulb, I figured 80W is enough because I've seen growers use 2-3 20W fluorescent bulbs around the web. I'll make better preparations for the next plant, that's for sure. About the smell...
  2. P

    best way to germinate.

    I had the same experience as you and my seeds died. Later on I did the same thing, only this time I wrapped the whole plate with plastic food wrap, it helped keep the moisture and a day later I had nice 2cm roots.
  3. P

    Hey guys, new here and would like some help for first time grow.

    Hey, gotta say this looks like a great forum with some serious growers. So.. me and my wife decided, not long ago, to try and grow our first plant, especially since buying weed is a heavy burden on our bank account. Since we did it kinda spontaneously, I hadn't much time to make research. It's...