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  1. GregD88

    Wife Swap ........... Only episode that every interested me lol
  2. GregD88

    Stoner Women

    I like a girl that smokes every now and then and knows it's cool but theres just something about stoner chicks that makes my dick soft lol
  3. GregD88

    Stoner Women

    I don't like stoner women, there's just something about them that turns me off
  4. GregD88

    anyone live in VA area

    I heard cops are allowed to get high if its for the sake of a bust
  5. GregD88

    Add 3 words to this sentence

    The idea of this threads good, it worked well on grass city. You guys ruined it though : /
  6. GregD88

    What new piece should I buy? Pipe, Bong, bubbler?

    Can't go wrong with a bong Edit: I just realized that rhymes, that sounds fucking ridiculous rofl.
  7. GregD88


    Nice dogs guys, probably gonna be getting a husky soon I hate bugs and snakes though, I cant even pick up a bug in my house that's bigger than an ant. I have to spray it with bug spray and have my gf pick it up, I'm a little bitch about bugs lol. Edit: I'll post my douchebag cats later
  8. GregD88

    does anyone else get panic attacks?

    I have social anxiety disorder and I don't get it treated cuz I don't have health insurance so I get panic attacks sometimes when I have to speak in front of a group. Never got one from smoking though.
  9. GregD88

    If You ruled the WORLD! The King or Queen!

    Lol none taken
  10. GregD88

    If You ruled the WORLD! The King or Queen!

    Bout to turn 19, I wouldn't really give it to george bush lol I was just messing around
  11. GregD88

    If You ruled the WORLD! The King or Queen!

    What I would do with it is get a kick ass house, a t-rex (the bike/car), and take 20 million dollars then give the position to george bush just to fuck with people's heads
  12. GregD88

    probably a dumb question

    lol why the hell would you bump such an old thread?
  13. GregD88

    Anybody ever heard of this?

    you know american idol's a singing competition right? lol
  14. GregD88

    Anybody ever heard of this?

    I've seen it on a porn site but with a cigar instead Edit: Misread that you said he blew it into her pussy, the girl I saw was just inhaling the smoke straight from the non-lit end and exhaling it... with her pussy :P
  15. GregD88

    Super High Me

    You're crazy man, pineapple express kicked so much fucking ass
  16. GregD88

    Coraline in 3D

    I might watch the nightmare before christmas and coraline sometime, I thought they were little kids movies so I never thought about watching them
  17. GregD88

    Super High Me

    Doug benson's stand up kicks ass, haven't seen the movie yet though
  18. GregD88

    I need help, busted

    I don't see where he said he was under 18 anywhere in the post
  19. GregD88

    Ever been to the 14th floor?

    rofl for real, just looked at the post dates
  20. GregD88

    Ever been to the 14th floor?

    Me and my friend used to rent a really nice apartment on the beach on the 12th floor, we almost got evicted cuz we got high and threw those shitty tostino's pizza rolls in the pool from our balcony