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  1. R

    The Dead Tour

    i know. its crazy nobody else is going. its soooo close too.....its killing me
  2. R

    Which do you prefer: Indica OR Sativa strains?

    im liking some indica right now. Afghan kush today. was absolutely amazing but its an "every once and a while" thing. im broke :(
  3. R

    If you could smoke with anyone...

    lemme know how that works out.
  4. R

    The Dead Tour

    So who's got tickets to a show?? I got tickets to the easter show, and im psyched:peace:
  5. R

    Most effective method to "halt" a joint?

    dont scrape the cherry out. thats just wastin. instead just bump it out on a surface. that will in turn create a sort of blockade for the weed so it doesnt fall out the open end
  6. R

    second grow: closet cfl/hps

    If i were the boss, i would make sure you got a promotion lmao.
  7. R

    second grow: closet cfl/hps

    I would do it. but its such a waste of weed. I mean, in order to really fuck em up, you would need like what? a half, maybe and O. i couldnt bring myself to do it, nor could i stop myself from eating them
  8. R

    Shroom tips..

    Yea, that one i kinda knew..I heard that if you arnt having a great day, then you can have a bad one. I was also told to make sure i have a great day.
  9. R

    Shroom tips..

    Oh, I just smoked with my friend that got busted yesterday. He called me and said he didnt care..his court date is the 29th....he does some viniger shot thing to pass..but anyway, its going to be me and 3 other people, and we are going out on this dudes land. He has like 400 acres, and its going...
  10. R

    second grow: closet cfl/hps

    Man....lookin good..Like the riu in the background too.
  11. R

    second grow: closet cfl/hps

    fa tried to smoke any of it yet? Just to taste/try it?
  12. R

    second grow: closet cfl/hps yager?
  13. R

    second grow: closet cfl/hps

    lmao..def in the name of the thread..but hey man, awesome looking bud..Congrats on the harvest. Shit looks fucking awesome i bet its more like cristmas eve since you cant even smoke it yet. unless you oven dry a sample
  14. R

    Shroom tips..

    well, lets hope its the best time going to prob be doing it with at leasat 2 other ppl..and, i like the shroom chai tea idea. It, sounds great. Whats some of the best and worst trips you all have had?
  15. R

    Shroom tips..

    awesome...great advise..cant wait to test it. but why an wmpty stomach, and why chew them till their mushy? I mean they taste shitty(no pun intended) right?
  16. R

    Shroom tips..

    awesome...i cant not nervous, just...ready i guess. And, how much would an 1/8 be...if it were bud i could tell you, but shrooms? is it like a peice of one, or will it be multiple shrooms?
  17. R

    Shroom tips..

    So im about to trip on shrooms. Freind got busted for possesion, now he wants to trip after his court date. Any tips/hints? I've tripped on salvia before, but never something like this. Any help would be great.
  18. R

    second grow: closet cfl/hps

    ...................sooooo jeleous*..lookin good though...if i come trick or treating at your house, will you give me bud instead of candy?
  19. R

    No more weed..:( drug test

    im sorry i havnt been replying. as u can well imagine, this sucks, so i havnt logged on in almost a week. *sigh*..o well..what can i do......................
  20. R

    No more weed..:( drug test

    So, yea, im done smoking for at least 2-3 months. This blows sooooooo hard. Anyone else out there not smoking right now?