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  1. the75bag

    i have 2 balls beside pistils!?!?!?

    is it a pollen sack i had a sack grow on my white Russian 21 days into flowering and had to put it down it sucked the rest of the plant had killer nugs on it or are they bananas
  2. the75bag

    What do u smoke in?

    everyone needs to see this and try it this way of smoking is the almighty
  3. the75bag

    Regs and buter. how much should i use

    get 2 ounces and make some hash
  4. the75bag

    Fungus Gnats Help Asap

    get some gognats and use it as a soil drench check it out
  5. the75bag

    my buds dying help!!!!!!

    check all your tips about 2 inches from the top and see if there are any weird looking areas spreed the nug and look inside to see if its been eaten if so track them down and kill them they come in pairs of 2 usually
  6. the75bag

    Found a Strawberry cough x Purple Erkle clone

    be careful i got a white Russian clone and at day 21 of flowering i saw a pollen sack so i made hash just keep a eye out
  7. the75bag

    Plant Problem w/ Pics! n yes i read stickies! :)

    give it water for the next week and see what the new growth looks like take it from there and go easy on the food
  8. the75bag

    Trimming Lower Leaves.

    if you don't see potential in the get rid of them your wasting your food and the plants energy on something that's not going to grow anything smokable so take it off and let something else have the growth that can produce something
  9. the75bag

    Ebb n grow flood and drain how many times a day?

    sounds like your on the right track you want to water less to get those roots to stretch so 2 times until you get good roots than try for 4 wean you can be ther to watch it that day and if not 3 times till it can Handel it
  10. the75bag

    How long before moved from Cup to permanent home?...

    the sooner the better more roots bigger plants with more arms
  11. the75bag

    Trimming all leaves night before a harvest?

    if you take that much off your plant i don't think you will get that last night of growth but the crystals will mature and it will save you some time
  12. the75bag

    Growing marijuana all natural (no chemicals!)

    have a good base and a bunch of stimulants get to know your ground coverings or the teas foiler is a good thing and i just got ladybugs for aphids
  13. the75bag

    Plant help

    you can tell if they will live in the first 10 min of transplanting or if they don't wilt and fall over by day 3 you will be fine
  14. the75bag

    What is wrong with THESE plants???

    if your giving them food cut it in half and water with water the next 3 times to see if that helps first
  15. the75bag

    Please Help Plants are dying ! I Am Desperate

    tri something with macro nutrients of some guanno as a ground cover
  16. the75bag

    Extra long Veg period - should I adjust flowering schedule ?

    if you have them in bigger pots they might be able to handle a little bit more food but start it out at what the paper says and bump it up from there but make sure its the same strain some cant handle very much food
  17. the75bag

    What type of lights should I use?

    use a 400 switchable light with a built in ballast from sunburst but you will need a inline fan
  18. the75bag

    help! will paint fumes hurt my grow in flowering?

    you will be fine leave the sheets up for 2 days and get a box fan in the hall or window to remove the fumes
  19. the75bag

    will paint fumes effect my grow?

    let the paint dry for 2 days before removing that sheet and get a box fan and put it in your door way facing in the hall or out a window
  20. the75bag

    Soil drying out.

    the fan is making the water on the surface evaporate so the faster the the fan is the more water will evaporate get a moister probe that will tell you how wet the soil is below the surface