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  1. SraGreen

    A Bit of Ph03nix' Art

    That gel pen art at the bottom? That was beautiful. Simply beautiful. Such amazing detail. Do you sell your works, ph03nix? I mean, I'd buy them.
  2. SraGreen

    Finding a new dealer.

    Well, I don't know exactly where you moved from, but if it's not too far, you can always go to your previous dealer and buy in bulk. If you don't mind transporting it anywhere. I certainly hope it's not a plane ride away. Best of luck, man. I wish I knew some people in that area.
  3. SraGreen

    My take on the 100 dollar bill

    I love how that website is just like... COINCIDENCE? YOU DECIDE! It was definitely tripping me out, man.
  4. SraGreen

    Best video game to play while baked

    Heck yes, man. Nothing better than coming up from behind and shotgunning an SOB square in the back and watching him explode in a pile of gore. To be honest, I think it's the best game series ever produced for the 360. And I live barely an hour or two away from Epic Game's base headquarters...
  5. SraGreen

    Being a WEED missionary

    Dude...this shit is brilliant, man. We should just, like, crop dust Africa with THC vapor. Hell...why don't we just do that to win every war? We just send a few crop planes over the area trying to attack us, chill everyone the fuck out, then go in and negotiate peace treaties? And it could...
  6. SraGreen

    First Memorable Stoner Moment

    One of those 'stoner moments' that happens when you're completely sober: A couple of friends and I were driving to this bowling alley. My friends holds up her empty McDonald's sweet tea cup, looks at the bowling alley, and says, "Dude. Do you think they'll refill this? 'Cause that would be...
  7. SraGreen

    HIGH IQ society

    I don't remember that one, but I do remember having to put these pictures of a girl the proper order. Was she fishing? Or baking cookies? That was so vague. I'm so baked. I apologize.
  8. SraGreen

    HeD Shop names across the USA.

    Why aren't there any head shop franchises? I think we should open up a RIU chain of head shops. That would be the bomb.
  9. SraGreen

    HIGH IQ society

    I've been tested at or around 150 repeatedly. It was lower when I was in elementary school, but that was because I was ADD. My parents were completely against medication, so I've had to 'learn' focusing techniques. Also, about this organization, with so many brilliant minds in one place: when...
  10. SraGreen

    HeD Shop names across the USA.

    Buddha's Belly, Kitch, Curious Goods, and Hazmat are in NC's grand capital city. I feel proud just to mention those places. They're all beautiful, beautiful head shops. With such a broad selection!
  11. SraGreen

    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    I just sat down and read this journal from beginning to end. Bones, you are the man. THE MAN! You are my hero. My idol. So, a question on your setup: what do you use for lights? And how difficult was this grow, on a scale from one to ten? Would you consider this possible for 'budding' growers...
  12. SraGreen

    $45-$60 a gram?

    Say what? Gas masks are so entertaining. Just close your eyes, sit back, and inhale...then finish and spend ten minutes scrubbing resin off your face. But goddamn, if it isn't totally worth it. The clearest, most beautiful high I ever had was from a friend's mask. I smoked that same baggie for a...
  13. SraGreen

    Why do YOU smoke Mj

    I smoke because it makes me feel good. I usually have trouble focusing, but not when I've smoked. Everything becomes one task at a time. And it helps prevent massive stress build-ups. I'm not an every-day smoker, but I find that it does nothing but help me.
  14. SraGreen


    I have an idea: Let us only speak haiku As this post just did. True grass, grown by lights Hanging, bulbous HPS, shine like clear diamonds
  15. SraGreen

    Funny Weekend Party we have to ban the new toker? Sorry, dude, if it happens to you. I don't wanna see anyone get banned here, but it is supposed to be 18+. Yeah. Try weed on its own, then think of the effects. And watch out for college parties. Crazy shit goes down there. lol
  16. SraGreen

    The best song when youre high

    By far, best song when high is Stereo by Russ Thompson. He's a local artist where I live. My best friends heard him on the radio one night and could swear they knew every lyric of his song as he sang them. It really gets you mellow, man. You can find him here. He's amazing.
  17. SraGreen

    smoking the used cannabutter buds mentioned the smell of popcorn. Has anyone put cannabutter on popcorn? That sounds awesome right now. With some brownies to go with it? Oooohhhhh.
  18. SraGreen

    Fruity Pebbles??

    Man, I clicked on this thread because I thought it was about the cereal. Alas, my disappointment. I could fucking survive on fruity pebbles alone. They ares so good.
  19. SraGreen

    Stoner Choice Awards-Best Game System To Play While Baked?

    I love getting fucked up and playing either Crackdown, Rock Band, or Gears of War. Most FPS are way too fast for me when i'm baked. Bad things happen. But my favorite to play fucked up is Diablo II. I'd love it even more if it was on a console, though.
  20. SraGreen

    Weeds fans?

    Definitely loved all of the first two seasons. Season 3 was a bit weird. And 4 is decent, but I'm not as fascinated by it as i was the first three seasons. The overhead thermal shot of the cross made me laugh so fucking hard.