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  1. CBDiva

    Yellow edges, no burn

    Hi all. Got a Deep Purple Haze in Coco with dry amendments. She's been like this since early days, is still in veg and will be going into flower in six or seven days, I estimate. Any clues as the this colouring. I can't see it being phosphorus or potassium, and it doesn't look like nitrogen to...
  2. CBDiva

    pH Raising with pressure sprayer

    Hi all, bit of a weird one, not sure if anyone has experienced this before or even knows it exists. Have been feeding at between 6.2 - 6.5 with a pressure sprayer (to have an even, slower feed). Today, out of curiousity, I tested the pH out of the sprayer and found an increase of around 0.7...
  3. CBDiva

    Auto Issues late veg/early flower

    Hi all. I'm here again because I'm a bit lost as to where to go with these girls now. Any advice is appreciated. I'll put as much details as I can... Cream Cookies - Day 43 from seed. In Promix from seed, under Optic 1 cob, plagron alga nutes. She's looking terrible. My guess is mg or nitrogen...
  4. CBDiva

    Two Tap Roots

    Morning all, cbdiva here (: Got a strange one, and having done a little research I'm struggling to find a decent solution. Germinated a blue cheese auto in paper towel in Friday and Saturday she came out with two tap roots. I've planted her in Promix soil and she come through with two fairly...
  5. CBDiva

    Seedling under cob

    Hi all :D Just a quickie. Growing an auto in a 60x60x140 with the optic 1 cob (full spectrum, not the veg version) and the start was brilliant. Plant came through (soil) with no problems and looked very healthy. Over the last couple of days (now on day 7) the leaves are looking 'wrinkled'. I'm...
  6. CBDiva

    Plagron Promix Soiless??

    Afternoon everyone. Hoping someone can help me out of my confusion today. I've bought some Plagron Promix for my next grow, but since buying it I've looked at a few other promixes and they claim to be 'soiless', but the Plagron site states this one is a soil. All forums etc seem to point to...
  7. CBDiva

    COB vs SP250LED

    Hi all First post, be kind Looking at starting my third indoor UK grow. Have relied on Mars Hydro reflectors before now, but after an unfortunate incident I am now without lights, so starting again. I love the look of the new Mara Hydro SP250, and will be using 60x120 for three autos...