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  1. pppp1984

    How long does male pollen last

    I am growing in a closet and my females buds produced banana pods which are small male flowers on the buds. Seeds have started to come on my buds and it will probaly pollenate the other plants i have in there to but how long will the pollen last before i can add some more plants in to the...
  2. pppp1984

    Help seeds on my plant

    Hi guys im just waiting on one of my plants to finnish and i just noticed there are seeds coming out of this. How could this have happened, i didnt have any male in the closet. The only thing i can think of is a month before there was a male but he was taken out when i first seen the balls on...
  3. pppp1984

    Help growing Shrooms

    I have followed the methos for growing shrooms in this vid I steam sterilized the jars. I coudnt find any glass jars so i found some microwavable tupaware jars they seemed to work fine. Then i took them out of the pot after 90 min and the video didnt show that i...
  4. pppp1984

    Irish Magic Mushrooms

    How can i identify irish magic mushrooms. Has any body got a picture on some they could show me also where is the best place to find them.
  5. pppp1984

    Codex Alimentarius ! Watch this

    Has anybody seen this.
  6. pppp1984

    Help With Meditation

    I have been meditating for about a year on and off, but lately im practicing more and more because i have more time on my hands. I think that im getting it. I use breeding techniques and focus on my breeding, Sometimes at night i can sit still and meditate for up to an hour. I focus on my...
  7. pppp1984

    Help with bubbleponics ! Roots tangled

    Hi guys. I made my own bubblebuckets i made 3. 1 small square bucket and 2 big round buckets. My ides was that in veg i used the small square bucket to take too plants in my small closet and then i was goin to transplant them in the big seperate bubble buckets when they got bigger and put them...
  8. pppp1984

    Help with bubbleponics ! Roots tangled

    Hi guys. I made my own bubblebuckets i made 3. 1 small square bucket and 2 big round buckets. My ides was that in veg i used the small square bucket to take too plants in my small closet and then i was goin to transplant them in the big seperate bubble buckets when they got bigger and put them...
  9. pppp1984

    Best magic mushroom grow kit

    Hi guys im lookin to grow magic mushrooms just a small amount enough for a me and a few mates. What are the best kits you can buy to grow you own. Does anbody know any good websites where you can buy them. If anybody has any experience with kits they bought on line i would love to here.
  10. pppp1984

    Envirolites cfls

    Hi guys i have been using envirolites and i was wondering what people thought of them. I have used them on my last grow which was my first grow, i used a 125watt blue for veg and a 250watt red for flower, grown in a closet. I grew 2 plants 1 "bubblegum" and 1 "white widow". When i decided to...
  11. pppp1984

    Strong indoor strains.

    Hi guys im looking for a seriously strong strain of weed to grow indoors. What would be the strongest strains that i can grow i have been looking at "medicine man" and nirvana "white rhino" has anybody grown any strains that are absolutly mind blowing.
  12. pppp1984

    Outdoor lowryder in ireland

    Hi guys i have bought a pack of Roadrunner automatic seeds from dinafem similiar to lowryder. It is now the start of august would this be too late to grow these outside in ireland. They flower automatically and are 9 wks to seed harvaest . Is it still possible i was thinking of veging them...
  13. pppp1984

    Growing outdoor seeds indoors

    Hi i got a seed of one of my mates its a feminised passion #1 from Dutch passion its an outdoor seed and i just put it in on of my bubble buckets and put it in my grow closet. It is now 2 wks into flower and it is 4 feet tall its growing out of control. I am limited to the space in my closet...
  14. pppp1984

    Pruning into a rod

    I was raeding up on pruning my plants and i read that some people prune plants into rods where they prune all the side branches up so the plants only buds at the top and grows like a rod, the plant puts all its energy into the top. This sounds good to me as i grow in a closet if i could do this...
  15. pppp1984

    Advanced nutes hammer head or Big bud & over drive

    Hi guys i used Advanced nutrients grow. micro. bloom. with a bubble bucket system for my last grow and i was very happy. I was thinking of using Hammerhead pk booster or would i be better to use big bud and over drive from advanced nutes i would realy like to hear your opinions on this subject...
  16. pppp1984

    puple kush seeds

    Hi guys does anybody know where i can buy purple kush seeds online. Thanks much appreciated.
  17. pppp1984

    Ph testing

    Should i test ph before or after adding nutes.
  18. pppp1984

    Help with my seedlings

    Help i have 2 week old seedling and i have noticed the leafs are curling down and the little points along the edge of the leaf are curling down. I think it was the light being too close and the heat curled them so i moved the light away up 2 about 8". Could this be the reason my leaves are...
  19. pppp1984

    Proxy tor

    What is a proxy tor and how do i access website on a proxy tor network. Is there any free proxy tor's
  20. pppp1984

    Davis icke

    Any u guys ever listen to any of david Ickes theories on the illuminaty. And what do u think.