Search results

  1. go go kid

    show us your fire extinquishers (powder electrical ones)

    just thaught it good to put this safty info up for new growers who are just starting to learn, very important to have a powdered extinquisher for electical fires. so show us your safty measures. keep safe
  2. go go kid

    new book out, look for it

    Terrence and Dennis McKenna publish “Psilocybin Magic Mushroom Grower’s Guide” under the names O.T. Oss and O.N. Oeric.
  3. go go kid

    sex offenders in your area

    i know you liveing in the us can find out where they live, can you tell what to search for in the uk???? thanx in advance
  4. go go kid

    crossing my jack herer seeds

    hi, am i right in thinking i can find a male and female plant from my regular seeds (sensi seeds jack herer), and cross them ,do i get good jack herer seeds, or a mixture of genetics. thanx
  5. go go kid

    weaker strains, more terpines, any sugestions please

    hi, got chatting to a new friend has just asked about weaker strains, but with good terps, now this is also what im looking for too this year. im interested in non cbd strains in perticular. all plants seem to be geared up for strength from the looks of it. other growers may also be...
  6. go go kid

    cold drying or dry in grow tent with light on for clones

    hi, did cold cureing last year, but it took forever to dry. anyone tried drying in the upper part of the tent whilst the light is on down below for clones ect any input wellcomed. how long is too long in cold conditions?
  7. go go kid

    is this a legit site to order recharge from ? hi, there half the price of amazon, just wondered if anyone had any dealings with them or herd any feedback from them?
  8. go go kid

    Mastercard Will No Longer Allow People to Buy Weed Using Debit Cards

    Mastercard Will No Longer Allow People to Buy Weed Using Debit Cards Published 28 July 2023 by Chris Moore The banking industry's lame decision highlights the necessity of federal cannabis banking reform. Image via Mastercard is forcing payment processors and banks to stop authorizing cannabis...
  9. go go kid

    can anyone tell me what this is ,and do i have to be worried~?????

    sup growers, i had this leaf do this, its only been one leaf, but i was worried it might be the start f something, theres two pix of the leaves. please let me know if its anything i should be concerned about. i have been underfeeding i know, but me and my dad were up a 9foot scafholding...
  10. go go kid

    how to increase the amount of nutrients in your comfrey patch

    if you make up a urine water mix, 3-1, and water the comfrey plants with this, it makes a huge differance in the nutrient content of your patch. one word of warning, if your on medication, dont use this idea, you get a build up of the medication you pee out after the body absorbes its fill
  11. go go kid

    female or feminised seeds????????

    just been looking at flasseeds superauto's. and whilst chooseing seed types from there menu, they offer deminized or female seeds seperatly, is there any differance between the two?
  12. go go kid

    anyone tried microdoseing magic truffles. looking for advice

    Hi all, im interested in microdoseing magic truffles, i believe there legal in the uk, at least the web site says it is, they sell these packs of microdosage truffels but it has no info on the weight of the dose...
  13. go go kid

    OK, anyone here skip dive?

    As it says, any of you delve into the unknown after asking ppermission to see what they can find? my last tally up was 300 quids worth of copper pipe ,200 quids worth of scrap metal. various bits of wood, enough to build a guitar amp cab pluss more. various electronic goods to be repaired...
  14. go go kid


    OK, It may just be me n my aspergers, but when it comes to percentages in breeding cannabis, how is it measured? take for example SKUNK No 1, it has 50 percent Acapulco Gold and 25 percent of Afghani and Columbian Gold each , yet it also states that is 35% to 65% sativa/indica. this confuses...
  15. go go kid

    funny joke

    a woman walks into a vets with a dead parrot. she says to the vet, "i think my parrots dead, can you check please. vet looks at the bird and picks up a wing, it falls back all lifeless. listens to its chest, no heart beat. so the vet turns to the woman and says, sorry, but your parrots dead...
  16. go go kid

    Any earth mothers and fathers on the site?

    high, im needing some advice on energy , im running on emptyish at the moment,and dont know how to recharge, any help would be apreciated. go go
  17. go go kid

    update on my ace seeds milawi pure satva

    she was topped about a week ago, shes growing in pure organic media and being fed with the dry amendments i added from the begining. shes im organic compost from the local tips organicsoil line of composts, they turn all garden wste into organoc soil shes got organic chicken shit from our...
  18. go go kid

    malawi sativa from ace seeds question

    yES IM WELL AWARE THAT THERE IN TOO SMALER POTS. LOL caps lock bstard of a key lol. OK, I have on the left, a milawi from ace seeds, pure sativa. on the right, a mexican sativa from sensi seeds, only half sativa i might add, should have read the site info better. then top middle a roya runtz...
  19. go go kid

    can anyone sugest as full a sative as you can get

    hi, i was going to grow some sensi seeds jack herer, but its only 50% sativa, the hit is like a full sativa i know. i have 5 mexican sativas, but ive been asked for a full satia by a south african friend of mine, so i want to surprise him with the best i can get. looking foward to your...
  20. go go kid

    its happening again, early flowering autos

    this is only the second time ive grown them and the police raided me the lat time i tried to grow autos,there only a few weeks old and theyve started to flower. is this the way they grow or is it bad genetics. there maxmedgomCBD autos if that makes any diferance