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  1. R

    Diesel autoflower at 12 weeks today - is she ready to harvest? Pics attached

    I always seem to harvest too early but fan leaves are dying off and it smells delicious - should I wait a week or two or is she good to go? Many pistils are still quite pale whereas people said to wait until they go dark with THC. What do you think guys and gals? Any response is really appreciated.
  2. R

    Just wont autoflower (pics attached)

    I can't remember what strain this is - if any one can identify it please let me know. In my haste to plant them I got mixed up. I know Diesel is on the right in one picture. The plant just seems to keep growing and growing - I think somehow it has failed to autoflower, it definitely appears...
  3. R

    I can't decide if it is infected or nitrogen deficiency - pics attached

    Hi all, Growing white widow autoflower in coco coir, 200 Watt LED light with average ventilation. This has appeared on 3 plants, yet not others who have identical set ups with physical nutrients added and now tempted to add some liquid nutes (old timer brand). Am I just seeing nitrogen...
  4. R

    Can't figure out if these pics show under / over watering

    Hi all, New member, the forum looks amazing. I have been lurking for a while looking at photos of under/over watering and while my soil seems dry I can't help but think this is overwatering. I have attached 2 photos of the same plant but this issue is currently on-going with another 2. Am I...