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    Pretty sure ive got nitrogen toxicity

    I'm in dwc and I dumped nutes 2 days ago refreshing the water a second time without nutes today. Is there any type of flushing products or procedures I can buy or follow?
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    Fox Farm and Overdrive?

    Im using the Fox Farm trio, Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom. I also have an unopened bottle of Advanced Nutrient Overdrive i was planning on using the last 2 weeks, since i didnt get any other additives like cha ching and what not. Is this safe or is it going to burn her?
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    Need 3 plants sexed quick :)

    Pics are labeled plant 1, 2 and 3. Im pretty sure 1 is female and the other 2 are male but I would like a non-noobie's opinion. none of them look great I had way too high of a ppm for about 2 days.
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    How much bigger these girlies gunna get?

    I swapped my lights to 12/12 kind of out of panic, I had to raise my buckets 8 inches and was concerned about the loss of height. Any idea how much taller these will get in flower? or a potential yield amount?
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    Can anyone confirm Sex of plant?

    So its about 1 month from germ, I know thats a little early but i think i see pistils. Some sad shape she is in right now struggling against root rot so im worried the stress aint good for female result. Its also bag seed and my first attempt :/ Any captains can confirm?
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    Bennificial Bacteria or Root Rot?

    I should have taken a picture the last 2 days but i didnt. It hasnt quite been 6 days since changing res, using hydroguard. 2 days ago some dark stuff started building up on roots. I thought it was bennifical bacteria because even where the dark buildup was, there were lots of fresh little...
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    Root Rot or Nutrient stains?

    Title kinda says it all. Went about 8 days instead of my normal 6 between changing water.
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    Trellis advice <3

    Ok so i bought the type of trellis that attaches to the corners of your tent. I am running a 5 gallon bucket DWC and i need to be able to take the lid off to switch buckets ( i have extra so i put the new water/nutes in a different bucket balance PH then just switch) But I dont understand how...
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    Any Sexxing Guru's can give me best guesses?

    I am guessing im still 2 weeks from knowing but i cannot stop thinking about it. First plant first grow. very excited for july.
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    New to hydroponics. Ive got a plant between 1 and 2 weeks old i just put it into 5 gallon bucket because the roots were outgrowing the little netpod it was in. First night in the bucket was a hot one, i woke up and came down to find the room at 79 and the buckets water at 78.5 There was a brown...
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    LED light comparison question.

    Total noob here. Just noticed last month that LED was even being used as a growing light and was completely mind blown how much better it is, budget wise that is, which is all I truly care about. So I didn't do as much research as I should have before making my purchases I just decided to go by...
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    Question about seeds

    So I don't want to pay the high prices for feminized seeds and I have a random seedling growing. I have since purchased heavily seeded ounces of sour diesel im hoping to have success with. I know theyre unlikely to pop let alone be female so ive got 2 small 6 spot bubblers to run constantly...
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    First time DWC, 1 small question.

    So ive helped many friends over the years with their grow rooms, much bigger operations than what im trying. But they all used soil and I decided to go DWC on my first attempt, with absolutely no knowledge in the area whatsoever. Just happened to notice the massive change in lighting cost and...