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  1. M

    Is there any point to LST'ing outdoor plants growing in the ground?

    I've been guerrilla growing two autos, they're about a month old. I thought I'd try training them, is there any point to doing it when growing outdoors, and is there anything extra I should know about if doing it? I just tied them with some rope for now, but I'll be buying plant twist ties if I...
  2. M

    Seedling growing horizontally on top of surface, what's up with this?

    I planted this seed 2 days ago around half an inch into the jiffy pellet. It pierced the surface yesterday, since then it's been growing sideways with the white (root?) exposed, what's up with this, is it normal? Should I do anything? Also what's the fuzzy stuff at the bottom? Thanks in advance :)
  3. M

    Did my plant die before it even got started?

    The first picture is from 21st of March, which is a couple of days after planting it after having it in water for some hours. It had just sprouted, but didn't sprout like any other seed I've planted, the seed had kind of pushed itself to the surface and then opened up exposing it's cotyledon...
  4. M

    Could anyone help with estimating how lush this young forest will be come spring?

    For the past few weeks I've been scouting for my first guerrilla grow, until now I've mostly tried to find clearings in thick forests. Yesterday I was walking around and I walked through this young forest filled with spruces, and saw that the ground was covered in dead ferns. Since ferns love...