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  1. BorgCube

    Veins yellowing, runoff PH suddenly quite low (5.2) with a high EC of 2.0, plant is close to harvest

    Grow is in coco coir, using the AN line of nutrients. Feed water was always measured at 1.0-1.1 EC, pH set to 5.7-5.8. Runoff has typically been good, but it seems to have taken a very fast turn for the worse. I've checked my instruments, and they are well calibrated. Is this typical close to...
  2. BorgCube

    Leaves dying from the bottom. Tips clawed down, rust color.

    Seeing new symptoms on a first grow. Coco, pH 6.2. Temps 23-25, 65-70% humidity (trying to keep to VPD chart) EC is at .8-.9 not sure how to fix: appreciate the help!
  3. BorgCube

    Bottom leaves, tips seem "burnt" - what causes this?

    I've been following the instructions to a tee, currently: Strain: Jean Guy photo Age: ~16 days past cotyledons Medium: Coco, buffered w/calmag (per Dr. Coco's instructions) Humidity 75%-80% stable Temp: 23-24C stable Light: Migro 100, 22k LUX measured at canopy EC...
  4. BorgCube

    First grow, new box, looking for some advice!

    Strain: Jean Guy photo Age: 7 days past cotyledons Medium: Coco, buffered w/calmag (per Dr. Coco's instructions) Humidity 75%-80% stable Temp: 23-24C stable Light: Migro 100, 9.8k LUX measured at top of plant Been fertigating daily once per day, about 60ml. Gradually, raising the EC from 300...
  5. BorgCube

    Soilless, Rooting cubes & Coco coir/Vermiculite?

    Is it necessary to root the seedling first in the cube, and then transplant it into the Coco/Vermiculite mix? Or, can I just stick the cube in the coco/vermiculite mix and call it a day? Thanks for your experience!
  6. BorgCube

    Light type for seedlings?

    I noticed that some folks having LED light strips around their plans, or even led tubes in the corner of their grow tents/enclosures. Is this a necessary approach to prevent light burn, or, can I start the grow with a regular LED light position high? Thank you!
  7. BorgCube

    Managing water pH only, is enough?

    I'm on a quest to manage pH automatically, but most analog sensors only work well in a slurry of mud, or when the soil is very wet. If I only mange the water's pH, getting it to the level called for by the strain (e.g., 6.4). If I keep watering at 6.4, do I run the risk that my soil will...
  8. BorgCube

    Time to try! Need your advice!

    Hey everyone! I've been searching awhile, trying to understand all aspects of growing in a cabinet! "What is the best solution for _____" <- lots of these on Google! Interestingly, a lot of the answers pointed to this forum! Thought I'd join and run what I'd cobbled together by some folks...