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  1. vuts

    First Lst/Scrog

    My scrog material is twine and I’m currently 1 week into flower canopy isn’t 100% flat and even but it mostly is. Does it need to be more flat and even before she gets too big? hows things looking? Appreciate any advice, cheersbongsmilie
  2. vuts

    Mini seedling growing with plant

    Anyone seen anything like this before? shes dealt with a lot of stress and the strain I’m growing is known for weird/mutation genetics
  3. vuts

    Clones overwatered?

    Grabbed some clones off a buddy for my first time grow, they came already rooted and ready for transplant, so I decided I wouldn’t make my medium too moist before transplanting because I noticed how wet the soil already was and some leaves looked kind of yellow and dead but overall the plant was...