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    Had a few trial and error grows learning about ppms etc. Burned some, underfed some. Started using ro water and now have an updated feed chart. What you rekon guys and girls? Anyone doing similar? Any feed back appreciated thanks
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    Said bud leaves major droop

    Im stumped at what the problem is for this autoflower. Never been above 380 ppm. Help anyone?
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    Is cannazym the answer to never overwatering again?

    having a problem with my first grow. I am using airpots but if i try to water with run off i end up overwatering. I am growing autos so started them in their final pots which are 10l, its been 4ish weeks and they are a decent size and look healthy but it seems the roots are not able to hadle a...
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    Canna Cannazym break down salts?? No more overwatering?

    having a problem with my first grow. I am using airpots but if i try to water with run off i end up overwatering. I am growing autos so started them in their final pots which are 10l, its been 4ish weeks and they are a decent size and look healthy but it seems the roots are not able to hadle a...
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    Stealth grow, how many plants and pot size help needed

    This is my first auto grow. Dabbled before with photo periods with average results. A lot more informed now and think i can do better, so just need to put in into practice, Iv moved to a smaller flat and converted this cupboard and going to go for autos many plants do you think i can...
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    How many olants can i fit for max yield?

    This is my first auto grow. Dabbled before with photo periods with average results. A lot more informed now and think i can do better, so just need to put in into practice, Iv moved to a smaller flat and converted this cupboard and going to go for autos many plants do you think i can...
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    Stealth cupboard auto grow! How many plants possible?

    This is my first auto grow. Dabbled before with photo periods with average results. A lot more informed now and think i can do better, so just need to put in into practice, Iv moved to a smaller flat and converted this cupboard and going to go for autos many plants do you think i can...
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    Anyone repotted autoflower into biobizz allmix?

    im doing my first closet grow and wondered if i started in biobizz light mix for 2 weeks then repotted into final pot of all mix? Would that work well or not? Any advice would be awesome thankyou